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China has reorganized its four military headquarters -- staff, politics, logistics and armaments -- into 15 new agencies under the Central Military Commission

Ministry of National Defense Spokesman Wu Qian explains the details of the move.

"The four military headquarters -- staff, politics, logistics and armaments were reorganized into 15 new agencies -- seven departments, three commissions and five agencies under direct administration of the Central Military Commission."

The new structure includes six new departments: joint staff, political work, logistical support, equipment development, training, and national defense mobilization.

There are three commissions -- discipline inspection, politics and law, and science and technology.


Wu says the new structure will better advice and serve the Central Military Commission, while enforcing its orders.

"The new structure will better ensure the Party's absolute authority over the army, and the Central Military Commission 's unified leadership. It encourages those agencies to focus on combat, helps make macro-management over them easier and achieve a balance between power operation and supervision."

Chinese President Xi Jinping described the reshuffle as "a breakthrough" and "a crucial step" toward a stronger military, and urged the reorganized departments to focus on winning wars as their central task.

President Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks on Monday when meeting with the new heads of the 15 Agencies.

It was previously announced that the army would be downsized, shedding 300,000 troops.

Military expert Song Zhongping says the military leadership and command system will experience significant changes with the overhaul.

"This round of reform separates the combat command system and the military management system, setting apart the system of the administrative orders and the military orders. The principle of course is following the authority of the central military commission. The restructure will simplify the procedure of military management and improve the quick response capability of the army."

Military authorities say the multi-department structure will help the Central Military Commission function better and is conducive to consolidating the absolute leadership of the Communist Party over the armed forces.

For CRI, this is Guo Yan.