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There are few regions in the world where you can make true "ice wine," a sweet, dessert-style vintage. You need warm summers to grow quality grapes. But the fruit must be picked and pressed when it’s well below freezing. So you need frigid winters.


Most of the ice wine in the U.S. is imported from Canada or Germany. But a growing number of wineries in places like upstate New York, Michigan, and Pennsylvania have started making their own, giving American consumers the option of buying domestically produced bottles.


Coyote Moon vineyards, a family-owned winery in Clayton, N.Y., just a few miles from the Canadian border, began making ice wine last year. As an arctic front settled on the vineyards recently, creating the perfect harvesting conditions, workers harvested the grapes for next year’s vintage.


It was 3 degrees Fahrenheit when the winery’s crew trudged out to 30 rows of vines dedicated to ice wine. It was so cold that the snow was squeaking underfoot. The temperature dropped to zero just as the sun peeked over the horizon. The vines were cast in orange. And the snow glowed blue.


"All of our grapes are covered with netting," says the winery’s marketer, Christine Shanley, her eyelashes caked with ice. "So you can look through the nets and you see all your friends, bundled up, shivering, picking the clusters."

一名叫Christine Shanley的工人说,“所有的葡萄都被网盖着。”她的睫毛上粘满了小冰块。“所以你可以透过这些网看到你所有的同伴们,裹得严严实实的,冻得哆哆嗦嗦的,采摘下这一束束的葡萄。”

Robert Heyman, a man with a burly beard and a red wool hat works fast along one row. The grapes look almost black, brittle and abandoned. He cracks bunches off the vine with his bare hands and drops them into a bucket. "Ah, it’s nothing compared to ice fishing," he says, chortling. "No brain, no pain."

Robert Heyman是一个留着大胡子,戴着一顶红色呢帽的男人,他在一行葡萄架前快速采摘着。葡萄看起来几乎像是黑色的,脆脆的,摇晃着。他赤手空拳把葡萄从藤上摘了下来,然后把它们放进桶里。他笑着说:“啊,这跟冰上钓鱼差不多。大脑也冻木了,不知道疼痛。”

The vineyard has grown two kinds of grapes for ice wine this year, both cold climate varietals: frontenac (red) and frontenac gris (white). This is only their second winter making the product for mass distribution. It’s the first for frontenac gris, so there’s still some experimenting involved.

今年,啸月酒庄种植了两种冰酒葡萄,两种都是低温气候品种:芳堤娜(红色)和灰芳堤娜 (白色)。这只是他们大规模生产冰酒的第二个冬天,也是第一次种灰芳堤娜,所以仍有一些是实验的。

"We’re letting these grapes essentially turn into raisins," says co-owner Tony Randazzo.

其合伙人Tony Randazzo说,“我们是让这些葡萄自然的风干的。”

The chemistry behind ice wine involves letting the water in the grape crystallize in the cold, leaving the sugars to concentrate and mature. "We’re taking the best of the best of that kind of sweet goodness that’s left, and turning that into wine," says Randazzo."That’s really where the magic happens."


Ice wine is believed to have started in Germany in the 1700s, when winemakers had to make the best of a frozen harvest. But Canada has become the world’s leader today. In the United States, ice wine is made throughout upstate New York, as well as parts of Michigan.


Coyote Moon follows Canada’s strict standards. Winemakers have to harvest and press the grapes below 17.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and there are precise guidelines for alcohol and sugar content.


Founder and patriarch Phil Randazzo says,"A lot of guys will take and freeze their grapes, and that’s just not the real deal. They taste different."

其创始人兼族长Phil Randazzo说, “很多人会采摘后再把葡萄冷冻起来,那并不正宗,味道是有差别的。”

He cautions against alternative language on bottles, like ’iced wine’ or ’frozen wine.’ "It’s got to be called ’ice wine,’" he adds.

他让人们警惕酒瓶上的替代语言,比如“冰过的酒”或者“冰冻的酒”,他补充说,应当是“冰酒(ice wine)”才是正确的。

There are big risks to leaving tons of grapes just hanging on the vine long after the traditional late summer harvest. A wind storm can blow away the whole crop. Adequate cold may not come for months. Last year’s warm winter delayed the harvest until February.


But the reward is 375ml bottles that fetch $50 and up, and a sweet, fruity, almost creamy taste.


But on this day, there will be no tasting. Ice wine requires patience. After pressing, the juice will ferment and age for a year, just about when it’s time to brave the cold and harvest next year’s frozen crop.


The bottles with last year’s Frontenac harvest are just about to come in from the manufacturer, meaning Coyote Moon’s ice wine will soon be ready for sweet sipping.
