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Washington (cnn) — The African Union, a group representing the continent’s countries, and African ambassadors to the United Nations, sharply denounced US President Donald Trump’s reference to African nations as "shitholes" and called on him to retract his statement and apologize.

cnn华盛顿电 代表非洲大陆各国的组织非洲联盟和非洲驻联合国大使们痛斥了美国总统唐纳德·特朗普将非洲国家比作“粪坑”,同时呼吁了他收回他的言论并且道歉。

"The African Union Mission wishes to express its infuriation, disappointment and outrage over the unfortunate comment made by Mr. Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, which remarks dishonor the celebrated American creed and respect for diversity and human dignity," the African Union mission to the United States said in a blistering statement.


Condemning the comments "in the strongest terms," the AU demanded "a retraction of the comment as well as an apology, not only to the Africans, but to all people of African descent around the globe."


African UN envoys issued a statement saying their group is "extremely appalled at, and strongly condemns the outrageous, racist and xenophobic remarks attributed to the President of the United States of America."


The envoys released a joint statement Friday after an emergency meeting was held to address the issue.


Making reference to Trump’s reported derogatory comments about Haiti, ambassadors expressed solidarity with the people of Haiti "and others that have been similarly denigrated."


They thanked "the American people from all walks of life and backgrounds who have condemned the remarks" and reaffirmed their commitment "to the values and principles of multilateralism, diversity and equality of nations."
