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Two of the most well known faces of China’s technology boom, Tencent Holdings’ chairman Pony Ma Huateng and Alibaba Group Holding’s Jack Ma, became the first Chinese to enter the top 20 richest people in the world, with a combined wealth of USD 84.3 billion.


As in previous years, the 32nd Forbes annual billionaires list was dominated by US tycoons, who made up 13 out of the world’s 20 richest people. But with China creating the most new billionaires last year, 89 compared to the US’ 18, the gap between the two countries is closing. While the US had the most number of people with wealth in the billions, 585, Greater China – mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan – had 476.

与往年一样,第32届福布斯年度亿万富豪榜名单由美国富豪主导,他们在全球20位最富有的人中占了13位。但是,去年中国创造了最多的新亿万富翁,89人,而美国只有18人,两国之间的差距正在缩小。虽然美国拥有最多的富豪人数,共585人;大中华地区 - 中国大陆,香港,澳门和台湾 - 拥有476人。

The popularity of Tencent’s online games and its WeChat messaging and online payment app helped its share price double in the last year, propelling Pony Ma into the top 20 as well as to the title of the wealthiest man in Asia with USD 45.3 billion.


The Hong Kong-listed company also has stakes in Tesla, Snapchat parent Snap and music-streaming service Spotify. It had a market capitalisation equal to USD 517 billion on Monday, higher than Facebook’s valuation of USD 514 billion at the close of trading in the United States on Friday.


Alibaba’s Jack Ma, 53, with net worth of USD 39 billion, ranked the third wealthiest person in Asia and the 20th worldwide, thanks to a 76 per cent rise in Alibaba’s share price in the past year as the e-commerce giants’ revenues rose. Alibaba owns the South China Morning Post.

由于阿里巴巴的收入增长,去年该电子商务巨头股价上涨了76%,53岁的马云的净资产达390亿美元,在亚洲排名第三,全球排名第二十 。阿里巴巴是《南华早报》的母公司。