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Many scientists have tried to predict how sexual selection might influence a species’ fate. “Does it make organisms more susceptible to collapse because they are too big or too flashy?” says Patricia Brennan from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. “Or does it make them better able to overcome challenges because they have better genes, or are somehow better adapted to their environments?”


There are several studies that support both of these conflicting possibilities, showing variously that sexual selection can protect against extinction, lead to it, or neither. But almost all of this research focused on animals that are still alive, and merely estimated their odds of going extinct by looking at population trends, local disappearances, or conservation status. “A lot of these results are ambiguous,” says Fernandes Martins. “When you work on living species, you’re not actually analyzing extinction.”


That’s why she and her team decided to study ostracods. Their hard shells can withstand the ravages of time, so there are plenty of ostracod fossils to examine. Different species have distinctive shapes, so it’s easy to chart the rise and fall of particular lineages over time. Males are more elongated than females, so it’s also easy to tell the sexes apart—a rarity among prehistoric creatures. And among males, shell size reflects penis size, so that even when these soft organs have long since decayed, you can estimate their dimensions by looking at the entire animal.


Fernandes Martins did this for 93 ostracod species, which lived between 66 and 84 million years ago in what is now Mississippi. She found that those where males were biggest relative to females went extinct 10 times faster than those whose males were much smaller. On average, species whose males invested most heavily in their sexual organs persisted for just 1.6 million years. By constrast, species whose males stepped away from the sexual rat race persisted for 15.5 million years.


Perhaps that’s because it takes a lot of energy to build large sex organs and long sperm—energy that could go towards other adaptations. “In the short term, it’s beneficial for the individual, since he’ll have more babies,” says Fernandes Martins. “But in the long-term, it can be a problem. If you’re investing in reproduction, you’re not investing in coping with a changing environment.”


“It’s a great study,” says Brennan, “but it’s hard to predict how representative ostracods may be of larger [animals] that reproduce much more slowly and in smaller numbers.” Are elephant seals, whose males can outweigh females by more than four times, doomed to extinction? Is the peacock’s tail a death sentence? “We can’t answer that,” says Fernandes Martins. “It’s just one study.”

“这是一项伟大的研究,” 布莱南说。如果这一结论同样适用于其他体型更大、生殖周期更长的动物,这是否意味着雄性体型更大的象海豹、长着漂亮羽毛的孔雀被宣判了死刑?需要指出的是,这项研究的结论目前只适用于介形虫,性选择对其他动物的影响仍不清楚。“我们还不能回答这个问题,”费尔南德斯说,“这只是一项研究。”