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想知道你的脑龄是多大吗?新近问世的脑部扫描仪器或许可帮到你。该仪器可分析出一个人的脑部发育是否正常,甚至能够解释自闭症患者的脑部哪个部份出现问题。MELISSA BLOCK, host:Doctors can easily tell whether a
英语听力材料2010-09-13 -
A story that everybody fear it might happen someday. It hit us all cross the country today including the ABC News. A computer attack jamming in boxes with hundreds of spam emails. The same story at co
英语听力材料2010-09-13 -
Scientists in this laboratory in Sweden have made a medical breakthrough by cultivating artificial corneas they are able to store visions to millions of people in need of transplant in face of the ris
英语听力材料2010-09-13 -
In the secretive world of North Korean politics, it doesn't get much bigger than this, a rare meeting of the Workers' Party. And the expectation is it could set the scene for a handover of power fro
英语听力材料2010-09-13 -
It's Monday, Aug. 30th, 2010, I'm Jeff Bakalar and it's time to get loaded.CPU and graphics manufacturer AMD is dropping its ATI brand which it acquired when it purchased the company. The ATI name
英语听力材料2010-09-13 -
Last Tuesday marked 13 years since Princess Diana's death. She was killed in a car accident in Paris, as you know. Britons were leaving bouquets outside London's Kensington Palace, her former home.
英语听力材料2010-09-13 -
失业保险是指国家通过立法强制实行的,由社会集中建立基金,对因失业而暂时中断生活来源的劳动者提供物质帮助的制度。它是社会保障体系的重要组成部分,是社会保险的主要项目之一。The unemployment insurance syste
英语听力材料2010-09-12 -
EarthSkySimon Bishop: There are between two and three billion people in the world who don’t have access to basic energy services, such as electricity or efficient, clean fuels for cooking their food.
英语听力材料2010-09-12 -
IRA FLATOW, host:Up now: Flora Lichtman. Hi.FLORA LICHTMAN: Hi, Ira.FLATOW: Our digital media editor. She's here with our crazy dance number today.LICHTMAN: Yeah.FLATOW: Dancing - not "Dancing with t
英语听力材料2010-09-12 -
The United States is marking nine years since the 9-11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. The anniversary comes amid controversy over plans for an Islamic center near Ground Zero and a thre
英语听力材料2010-09-12 -
There are two parts of the fee. It's $14 which is a nominal fee that covers two years of travel to the United States. $4 recovers the cost of administrating a program and then there is a $10 fee to c
英语听力材料2010-09-12 -
Israeli settlers hold a funeral in the occupied West Bank for two men and two women, one pregnant,who are shot dead on the highway. The killings occurred on the eve of direct talks in Washington betwe
英语听力材料2010-09-12 -
美国撤出伊拉克 有人欢喜有人忧
Even to Iraqis, harden from seeing so much death and destruction in their country over the years. News of Wednesday's nationwide mayhem is deeply troubling. Over sixty people were killed and hundreds
英语听力材料2010-09-12 -
常言道“每逢佳节倍思亲”,尤其是这个象征家人团圆的中秋节,使得那些依旧在爱情上孤军奋战的人们更加向往家。这不,一些婚介网站巧妙地利用这次机会为单身男女牵线搭桥,效果不错哦!200 single men and women are
英语听力材料2010-09-11 -
Human blood cells – taken at doctors’ offices or hospitals – can now be reprogrammed into a state like embryonic stem cells, according to researchers.研究人员表示,他们能把从诊所或医院里获得的人类血
英语听力材料2010-09-11 -
在ABC新闻部裁剪四分之一的雇员后,其总裁威斯汀提出了辞呈,宣布其13年的新闻工作走向尾声。究竟大家对此持何种态度?一起来听听大家对此的反应吧。MELISSA BLOCK, host:And I'm Melissa Block.ABC News President
英语听力材料2010-09-11 -
政变周年 泰国首都加强警戒
The Thai prime minister says anti-government groups could resort to violence before the anniversary of the country's 2006 coup. But the rights groups question whether the threat is sufficient for the
英语听力材料2010-09-11 -
After waiting more than two weeks, an election decision emerged Tuesday. Incumbent Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her Labour Party will remain in power. "Labour is prepared to deliver a s
英语听力材料2010-09-11 -
网购随便宜 未必吸引人
Bookshops and DVD stores are closing up. No surprise, because who would pay more at the store when you can get it cheaper online? A bunch of Caltech undergrads, that's who.Researchers found that the
英语听力材料2010-09-11 -
为人父母的你们,是不是在担心孩子过于肥胖呢?除了饮食及运动的方面的原因外,还有什么原因会导致此状况的发生呢?想了解的话,一起来听听本期节目中华盛顿州立大学研家们怎么说?LYNN NEARY, host:Researchers hav
英语听力材料2010-09-10 -
Last year, H1N1, or swine flu, spread quickly through Mexico, the U.S. and then throughout the world. The virus killed more than 16,000 people and sickened many more. But a new study suggests that H1N
英语听力材料2010-09-10 -
Hunger in the United States is nothing compared to hunger in some parts of the world. Nevertheless, 10 million American households report that they do not always know where they will find their next
英语听力材料2010-09-10 -
While Gareth Williams' family try to come to terms with his death, they're also trying to make sense of what they see as a smear campaign. Their son’s body was found on Monday stuffed into a bag an
英语听力材料2010-09-10 -
The first time you visit your boyfriend’s place, he no doubt tidies up, to give you the illusion that he doesn’t live like an animal. Well, animals, too, can use optical illusions to woo a mate. Tak
英语听力材料2010-09-10 -
很多女生都喜欢吃冰淇淋,但又怕摄入过多的热量和脂肪,怎样才能在享受美食同时也不必担心身材走样呢?如果你想了解,那么本期的节目你一定不可以错过。STEVE INSKEEP, host:Just down the street from our studios
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