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[07:29.38]In summer it is often too hot,and in winter it is too cold.
[07:35.55]The seasons of the year in England and the USA are nearly the same.
[07:41.11]But unlike much of China,the weather in England never gets too hot or too cold.
[07:47.67]In England,spring is longer.It can last from late March to May.
[07:54.33]The Australian seasons are the opposite:
[07:58.09]summer is from December to February,
[08:02.04]and winter is in June,July and August.
[08:06.77]So when is spring in China,it is autumn in Australia.
[08:12.54]Unit 11:Listening text
[08:21.89]    Lesson 44
[08:24.84]2 Listen to the tape and complete the form.
[08:30.30]Lucy:Oh,it's cold today,isn't it?
[08:34.14]Jim:Do you think it's cold,Lucy?I think it's quite warm today.
[08:39.29]Lucy:That's because you're wearing warm clothes,Jim!
[08:43.73]Lily:Yes,it's not really warm at all today,is it?
[08:48.09]Li Lei:Don't you like this time of year?It's spring time now.
[08:52.92]I think that spring is the best time of year.
[08:58.07]Jim:Do you think so, Li Lei? Why?
[09:02.01]Li Lei:Because winter is over! What about you,Lucy?
[09:06.85]Which is your favourite season?
[09:10.30]Lucy:I love summer best because I enjoy swimming.
[09:14.87]Lily:Yeah,Lucy likes swimming a lot.But I like skating more than swimming,
[09:20.61]so I like winter best.I really enjoy skating in winter.What about you,Jim?
[09:26.78]Jim:My favourite time of the year is autumn.
[09:30.85]Lily:Why do you like autumn best,Jim?
[09:34.41]Jim:Because it's not too hot,and not too cold.
[09:38.95]Words and expressions
[09:47.62]   Unit 11
[09:50.47]date                 season               write down           January
[09:56.21]日期                季节                 写下..记下          一月
[10:01.94]March                June                 July                 August
[10:07.53]三月                六月                七月                 八月
[10:13.12]December             spring               last                 weather
[10:18.64] 十二月             春天                 持续                天气
[10:24.17]warm                 come out                                  heavily
[10:28.65]暖和的;热情的       (花)开;发(芽);出来;出现                   大量地;猛烈地
[10:33.13]crop                 really               snow                 snowman