栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:新冠肺炎致多国关闭国境 美国三大汽车巨头关闭全美工厂
An Italian virology professor says COVID-19 or the new coronavirus has no border. But nations have been shutting down their borders to try to keep the thing from spreading from cou
美语听力2020-05-06CNN News:特朗普获所需代表票数 锁定共和党总统候选人提名
First though we want to bring you up to speed on the U.S. presidential election process.
The primaries and caucuses that are scheduled to be going on now help determine who will aCNN News:美国多州禁止50人以上集会 营业场所纷纷停业
We've reported on restaurants and nightclubs closing in other countries as governments try to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 or coronavirus pandemic. Now, this is happeni
美语听力2020-05-06CNN News:美股再次暴跌 特朗普称疫情或持续至七月
We've spent the past few days really focused on COVID-19. This disease has sickened tens of thousands of people worldwide and caused several thousand deaths though the vast maj
美语听力2020-04-30CNN News:新冠病毒可能使美国经济陷入衰退
Who is the current U.S. Treasury Secretary? Jack Lew, Steven Mnuchin, Mike Pompeo or Jerome Powell? Since 2017, Steven Mnuchin has served as the 77th Secretary of the Treasury.
WiCNN News:特朗普宣布美国进入"国家紧急状态"
Canceled, postponed and closed are three of the words being used worldwide for events, flights, businesses and schools. COVID-19 is the technical term for the new coronavirus we
美语听力2020-04-28CNN News:特朗普就新冠病毒疫情发表全国电视讲话
U.S. President Donald Trump delivered a speech from the Oval Office this week. His goal was to discuss what the United States government was doing to protect Americans from the new
美语听力2020-04-27CNN News:世界卫生组织宣布新冠病毒疫情为全球大流行
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi. I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10.
Yesterday, a student tweeted and asked me to keep everyone updated on the new coronavirus. He said he wCNN News:超级星期二2.0举行 拜登和桑德斯激烈角逐
What do Michigan, Mississippi and Missouri all have in common? Are they all east of the Mississippi River, west of the river, states prior to 1850 or part of the Louisiana Purchase
美语听力2020-04-24CNN News:新冠病毒致全球多国停课 感染重症多为老年人
We know a number of our viewers are at home today with certain schools and universities across the world, either closed or holding online classes only. Concerns about the novel or
美语听力2020-04-24CNN News:道指狂泻两千余点 美股触发熔断
Yesterday did not go well for international stock markets. After drops in other exchanges around the world, the U.S. stock market set a record and not a good one.
The Dow Jones InCNN News:伊丽莎白·沃伦退出2020年美国总统选举
Back on Earth, another campaign has been suspended among the Democrats seeking their party's nomination for president. Yesterday, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts
美语听力2020-04-22CNN News:NASA公布18亿像素火星图片
It all starts now with a picture. They say pictures are worth a thousand words. These are said to have 1.8 billion pixels. And while it looks like a high resolution image of a dese
美语听力2020-04-20CNN News:超级星期二落幕 拜登赢下10个州桑德斯仍有机会
Results are coming in from Super Tuesday when more delegates are awarded than any other day in the U.S. presidential nomination process.
And former Vice-President Joe Biden and U.CNN News:苹果支付5亿美元和解金 老iPhone每台最高可获赔25美元
What company made the Newton, a personal digital assistant released in 1993, Apple, Casio, IBM or PalmPilot? Though it wasn't the first PDA and though it wasn't successful,
美语听力2020-04-16CNN News:澳大利亚山火终扑灭 新冠病毒全球蔓延
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: As one disaster subsides in part of the world, a new disease continues to spread around the world. And that's where we start today's show. I'm Carl Azu
美语听力2020-04-15CNN News:以色列举行11个月内第三次议会选举
The Middle Eastern country of Israel has just wrapped up its third election in 11 months. The other two which were held last year resulted in deadlocks in Israel's government.
美语听力2020-04-15CNN News:美国南卡罗来纳州举行初选 前总统拜登迎来首胜
Like the state of Nevada, South Carolina decided not to hold a Republican nominating contest this year. All the GOP delegates in those states are expected to be set aside for the i
美语听力2020-04-14CNN News:公历2020年为闰年 全年共有366天
Which of these historic calendars was created the most recently?
Julian calendar, Byzantine calendar, Hebrew calendar, or Gregorian calendar?
The Gregorian calendar, which is widCNN News:美国三大股指集体下跌 进入调整区间
The U.S. stock market has been taking a beating over the past week.
Yesterday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 1,191 points lower than it opened. The Dow is an index of siCNN News:美国联邦运输安全管理局禁止雇员用抖音
Which of these social media networks is owned by a Chinese company? Pinterest, TikTok, WhatsApp or Snapchat. All of these networks are owned by American companies except TikTok whi
美语听力2020-04-08CNN News:美国总统特朗普举行记者会 就新冠病毒发表讲话
U.S. President Donald Trump held a news conference last night to address the coronavirus we've talked so much about. Since it was first identified in Wuhan, China in mid-Decemb
美语听力2020-04-07CNN News:新冠病毒疫情致全球股市震荡
It's been a roller-coaster ride for international stocks this week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, an index of 30 important American stocks, fell hundreds of points on Monda
美语听力2020-04-07CNN News:大规模撒哈拉沙尘暴吞没西班牙加那利群岛
Which of these island chains actually belongs to Spain though it's geographically closer to Africa? Canary Islands, Azores, Falkland Islands or Cape Verde. It's off the sou
美语听力2020-04-07CNN News:特朗普首访印度 敲定30亿美元军售大单
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A trip to India leads off today's edition of CNN 10. I'm your anchor Carl Azuz. It's great to have you watching. Monday was the first time tha
栏目广告位二 |