栏目广告位一 |
CNN News:美属波多黎各发生6.4级地震 澳大利亚指控24人蓄意纵火
This Wednesday show starts in a U.S. island territory that's about 1,000 miles southeast of Miami, Florida. It's Puerto Rico and the message from its governor to the people
美语听力2020-01-16CNN News:科学家在南极发现地球陆地最低点
What body of water is located along the border between Israel and Jordan? The Dead Sea, The Sea of Galilee, The Gulf of Aqaba, of the Red Sea. It's the salty Dead Sea that'
美语听力2020-01-15CNN News:伊拉克议会投票决定驱逐美军 美国拟向中东增派3500名士兵
Our first topic today concerns American service men and women in the Middle East. Yesterday we told you about the back and forth attacks involving the U.S. and Iran. Those have bee
美语听力2020-01-14CNN News:澳大利亚山火肆虐 和平年代最大规模撤离启动
Which of these nations is composed of six states and two territories? Australia, India, Malaysia, or Mexico. Though all of these nations have states, only Australia has exactly six
美语听力2020-01-13CNN News:特朗普下令对苏莱曼尼发动空袭 伊朗誓要报复
There's an international standoff happening right now between the United States and Iran, and no one knows what's going to happen next. Military action between the two coun
美语听力2020-01-10CNN News:欧洲航天局拟2025年发射机器人清理太空垃圾
The European Space Agency is taking steps toward cleaning up a junkyard — the one that surrounds and orbits Earth. Since the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite i
美语听力2020-01-09CNN News:英国举行大选 约翰逊所在保守党领先
As we produced this show the United Kingdom was awaiting the results of a national election. The biggest issue on the table is one you've heard about — the Brexit, the British
美语听力2020-01-08CNN News:美国政府进一步限制古巴游
We're jumping right into new developments concerning the United States and Cuba, a Caribbean island country only 90 miles away from American soil. But in some ways the two nati
美语听力2020-01-07CNN News:美众议院宣布弹劾特朗普两项条款 同时表态支持美墨加三国协议
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A pair of U.S. political stories headline today's edition of CNN 10 and they both concern the House of Representatives and President Donald Trump. I&#
美语听力2020-01-06CNN News:朝鲜宣布进行重大试验引爆口水战 新西兰白岛火山喷发
Meantime there are signs of strain appearing in the rollercoaster relationship between the United States and North Korea. For about a year and a half now, their leaders have tried
美语听力2020-01-06CNN News:遭世界反兴奋剂机构禁赛四年 俄总理称这是歇斯底里的反俄
CNN 10 is getting things started this Tuesday with a report concerning Russian athletes and international sports. In fact if the World Anti-Doping Agency gets its way, Russian athl
美语听力2020-01-03CNN News:特朗普拒绝出席首场弹劾听证会
An objective update on the impeachment investigation concerning the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. President Donald Trump is our first subject today. Here's what's
美语听力2019-12-31CNN News:珍珠港幸存老兵辞世 选择长眠于亚利桑纳号
The two U.S. national memorials at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii include the USS Arizona and what other ship? USS Utah, Oklahoma, California, West Virginia. Though it's only open to the
美语听力2019-12-31CNN News:研究人员用水下扬声器吸引鱼群来拯救珊瑚礁
A team of scientists says acoustic enrichment may be able to help revitalize dead coral like what's found in some parts of the Great Barrier Reef. But what is acoustic enrichment?
美语听力2019-12-31CNN News:北约成立70周年峰会召开 成员内部矛盾重重
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hear the music? You know what time it is. I'm Carl Azuz and get ready to cross the Atlantic because today's show starts in London, United Kingdom. This
美语听力2019-12-31CNN News:伊朗与美国交换在押人员
In August of 2016, an American graduate student named Xiyue Wang was arrested in Tehran the capital of Iran. He was doing research there at the time and studying the Farsi language
美语听力2019-12-30CNN News:德国将关闭所有核电站 核废料处理成最大难题
Which of these nations celebrates Unity Day in remembrance of an event from 1990?
Germany, Serbia, China, or Argentina?
German Unity Day celebrates the reunification of the countCNN News:"黑五"购物狂欢未完 "网络星期一"销售额或超记录
In the U.S., the term "Black Friday" was first used to describe what? Plunging gold prices, historic holiday spending, Stock Market collapse or retail profit surge. Back in 1869, t
美语听力2019-12-30CNN News:伊拉克总理被迫辞职 抗议冲突仍在持续
We're starting in the Middle Eastern country of Iraq today, partly because its prime minister resigned over the weekend.
Parliament accepted Adil Abdul-Mahdi's decision onCNN News:因存在安全问题 Uber在伦敦被吊销牌照
In the capital of the United Kingdom, Uber has lot its license. And if it loses its appeal, then Londoners and visitors will have to call a black cab, use the tube or find another
美语听力2019-12-18CNN News:以色列总理遭正式起诉 内塔尼亚胡驳斥称是政变
There's a lot of political uncertainty right now in Israel. The Middle Eastern country's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has just been formally charged with corruption.
美语听力2019-12-17CNN News:被误解的冰川 其实我在移动
Where would you find three-quarters of Earth's freshwater? Great Lakes, glacier ice, global rivers or ground water.
Glacier ice is the world's second largest water reservoCNN News:澳大利亚山火肆虐 致空气污染和断电
A resident of Sydney, Australia says at one point this week she thought her house was on fire. It wasn't but as the smoke blew into Sydney from the bushfires burning nearby, ai
美语听力2019-12-13CNN News:美国宣布以色列在约旦河西岸定居点不违反国际法
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A change in the United States policy concerning the nation of Israel, that's what's first today on CNN 10. I'm Carl Azuz, grateful you're
美语听力2019-12-12CNN News:报告显示昆虫数量急剧下降
What distinction is held by fairyflies? Are they indigenous to Antarctica, the smallest insects, a type of butterfly or extinct? Fairy flies are a type of wasp and they're the
栏目广告位二 |