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CNN News:民主党初选如火如荼 桑德斯占据领先地位
The Comstock Lode, a rich deposit of silver, was discovered in what U.S. state? Nevada, Colorado, California or Alaska. In 1859, silver was found on Nevada property owned partly by
美语听力2020-04-01CNN News:美国最新流感季有2900万人感染
Today's show starts with a report on a virus, it's not the new coronavirus that's been so much in the news lately. This report is on the old fashion flu and overall it&
美语听力2020-03-31CNN News:隧道穿越阿尔卑斯山脉 缩短旅行时间
Which of these mountains is the shortest? Mont Blanc, Denali, K2, or Mount Kilimanjaro. At less than 16,000 feet tall, Mont Blanc is the shortest on this list and it's the tall
美语听力2020-03-30CNN News:新冠病毒疫情影响全球航运业
Our show starts with a logo. There's a good chance that you've seen this one before whether it's stacked on a cargo ship or being hauled by a tractor trailer. Maersk is
美语听力2020-03-30CNN News:美国实体零售商在2019假日购物季的表现差强人意
Business news. Some American retail companies are just now reporting what their sales were like for the 2019 holiday shopping season and at least for brick and mortar retailers —
美语听力2020-03-26CNN News:为什么许多古埃及雕像都没有鼻子?
The northern and southern kingdoms of what nation were unified in 3100 B.C.? India, Egypt, Persia or Japan. Events around the year 3100 B.C. resulted in the unification of ancient
美语听力2020-03-26CNN News:NASA计划四个太空探索新项目
NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has four ideas it's looking at as possible future missions.
Two of them would focus on Venus. One of them would explorCNN News:梅西百货计划未来3年关店125家 裁减2000个职位
Which of these U.S. department stores was founded first? Macy's, Sears, J.C. Penny or Bloomingdales. Macy's chases it's roots back to the 1850s' making it the oldes
美语听力2020-03-23CNN News:风暴"丹尼斯"持续肆虐英国 引发严重洪灾
It's been raining at the CNN Center and it's supposed to be for most of the week but that is nothing compared to what the United Kingdom has been dealing with.
A storm namCNN News:非洲东部遭遇25年来最严重的沙漠蝗虫入侵
What animal would you find in the family acrididae? Aphid, marmot, sea horse or locust. In the family acrididae you'll find grasshoppers and locusts.
Imagine seeing an approacCNN News:钻石公主号游轮新冠病毒感染人数达456人
Today's show starts with the number 780 million. That's almost half the population of China. It's more than twice the population of the United States. And 780 million i
美语听力2020-03-18CNN News:新研究称深水地平线溢油量比以前想象的要大 印尼默拉皮火山喷发
What is the largest gulf in the world? The Persian Gulf, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Mexico or Gulf of Alaska. Covering around 600,000 square miles the Gulf of Mexico is the world's
美语听力2020-03-16CNN News:山火未灭 澳大利亚又遭洪灾
Our international coverage starts in Australia where there's been some good news then some bad news, then more good news.
Let me explain. New South Wales is a state in southeaCNN News:桑德斯赢得新罕布什尔州民主党初选
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: The results from New Hampshire are in and they're our first topic today on CNN 10. I'm Carl Azuz wherever in the world you're watching, thank you. Here
美语听力2020-03-13CNN News:美国总统大选初选第二战打响
We're starting in the Granite State of New Hampshire this Tuesday because this is the day when its voters help choose the candidates who will appear on the ballot in November&#
美语听力2020-03-13CNN News:2020年奥斯卡颁奖典礼再次不设置主持人
Which of these films won the very first Academy Award for Best Picture in 1929? Wings, All Quiet on the Western Front, Grand Hotel, or It Happened One Night. Though it was called O
美语听力2020-03-13CNN News:距离飓风"多里安"过境已有五个多月 巴哈马仍难以重建
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: It's been a little over five months since a major hurricane made landfall in the Bahamas and it could be another five months before electricity is com
美语听力2020-03-11CNN News:美国宇航员创女性单次太空飞行最长纪录 已返回地球
Which of these astronauts holds the U.S. record for spending the most total time in space?
Scott Kelly, Peggy Whitson, Neil Armstrong or Sally Ride?
Scott Kelly had the longest sCNN News:日本首相安倍称东京奥运会将按照计划举行
We've got a lot to talk about today, starting with a story concerning the Olympics.
The Summer Games are in Japan this year. Opening ceremonies are set for Friday, awesome, JuCNN News:可发电的太阳窗来了
What is the world's most widely used source of renewable energy? Solar power, wind energy, hydropower or bio-fuels.
Hydropower, hydroelectricity is used more than any other reCNN News:美国CDC50年来首次颁布联邦检疫令
Next up, a charter flight from Wuhan, China arrived yesterday in the U.S. state of California. It's one of three evacuation flights that the U.S. has made in about a week and t
美语听力2020-03-03CNN News:特朗普成功脱罪 弹劾罪尘埃落定
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Forty-nine days after the U.S. House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump, the U.S. Senate voted yesterday afternoon to acquit him.
美语听力2020-03-02CNN News:爱荷华州党团会议落幕 特朗普毫无悬念获胜
Who is America's 31st president and the only U.S. leader born in Iowa?
Calvin Coolidge, William Taft, Theodore Roosevelt or Herbert Hoover?
Born in West Branch, Iowa, in 1874CNN News:民主党回应特朗普国情咨文 呼吁团结合作
Another tradition associated with the State of the Union Address is the opposing political party's response. That's been carried out since 1966 when two Republicans recorde
美语听力2020-02-28CNN News:特朗普发表国情咨文 大肆吹嘘政绩
It used to be called the president's annual message to Congress. In 1947, it became known as the State of the Union Address, and that's in line with what the Constitution s
栏目广告位二 |