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大学英语自学教程 上册 un12


[08:28.63]but also an important life skill for anyone.
[08:33.38]SCANNING-You can get a good idea about the material
[08:39.84]by taking a few moments right off to read the title,
[08:45.19]chapter headings,section titles and headlines.
[08:51.07]The purpose of scanning
[08:54.23]is to get a quick understanding of what to expect from the reading,
[09:00.40]so that you will know what you are reading as you go along.
[09:05.57]Maps, charts, graphs and pictures are clues that will help the reader
[09:13.51]to cue in on the content and organization of the material.
[09:19.75]This simple technique of scanning
[09:23.51]can help you read for ideas
[09:27.28]because you will know ,where you are going when you begin to read.
[09:32.92]READING SPEED--Another good reading habit is reading fast.
[09:39.16]The expression "haste makes waste" does not apply to reading.
[09:45.64]In fact, most people read much too slowly.
[09:50.99]Right now you are probably reading this slower than you need
[09:56.64]for good comprehension.
[09:58.41]所需 要的速度要慢.
[10:00.19]Studies show that fast readers are the best readers,
[10:05.54]and that slow readers
[10:08.71]often lose their concentrationand comprehension abilities
[10:14.06]because their minds will wander our of boredom.
[10:19.02]Remember, nothing hurts concentration more than reading too slowly.
[10:25.79]Your mind will keep up with your reading speed if you ask it to.
[10:31.67]By always reading at your top speed, you challenge your understanding
[10:37.91]and make it easier for your mind to concentrate on the material.
[10:47.24]For a person with good reading habits,
[10:51.18]a printed page contains not onlywords but ideas,
[10:56.64]actions,thoughts and feelings.
[11:01.39]But all these things are built on words.
[11:05.84]The more words you are familiar with,
[11:09.60]the less you are aware of reading words
[11:13.72]and the more you are aware of content and meaning.
[11:19.08]Expanding your vocabulary
[11:22.92]will help you to read more effectively and rapidly
[11:27.65]Many people simply skip over words they do not understand.
[11:33.32]This, naturally, hurts their overall comprehension.
[11:38.78]Other people stop at each new word and look it up in the dictionary
[11:44.10]but this method can slow down your reading
[11:48.55]affecting concentration and comprehension.
[11:53.20]But you can build your vocabulary without using a dictionary each time.