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大学英语自学教程 上册 un22


[04:04.79]If you see your own attitude represented by one of these comments,
[04:11.45]might you be shortsighted in your reason for valuing fitness?
[04:18.30]We would suggest that you reexamine your approach to fitness'
[04:24.83]and its ability to positively influence other aspects of your life.
[04:31.60]Ask yourself,"What eould I achieveif I were really in top physical condition?"
[04:40.53]Because fitness levels are easily observed and can be measured,
[04:48.39]you can quickly start to see the emerging person you are capable of becoming
[04:55.76]Almost daily you can see progress and accomplishment.
[05:02.71]Keep in mind, however,that all people are differentand some may progress faster than others.
[05:11.95]In the final analysis,
[05:16.42]we think that although fitness will not guarantee that you will live longer,
[05:24.75]it can help you enjoy the years you do live
[05:30.79]Text B
[05:35.02]People and Colors
[05:37.59] 人和颜色
[05:40.17]One person chooses a bright red car,but another prefers a dark green.
[05:47.01]One family paints the living room a sunny yellow,
[05:51.58]but another family uses pure white.
[05:55.94]One child wants a bright orange ball,
[06:00.02]but another wants a light blue one
[06:03.86]Psychologists and businessmen think these differences are important.
[06:09.61]In general,people talk about two groups of colors:
[06:15.35]warm colors and cool colors.
[06:20.40]Researchers think that there are also two groups of people:
[06:25.57]people who prefer warm colors and people who prefer cool colors.
[06:32.72]The warm colors are red, orange,and yellow.
[06:37.27]Where there are warm colors and a lot of light
[06:42.44]people-usually want to be active,
[06:46.20]People think that red, for example, is exciting.
[06:48.78]比如红色,许多人觉得 让人兴奋。
[06:51.35]Sociable people, those who like to be with others, like red.
[06:57.41]The cool colors are green, blue, andviolet.
[07:03.18]These colors, unlike warm colors,are relaxing.
[07:09.24]Where there are cool colors, people are usually quiet.
[07:15.91]People who like to spend time alone often prefer blue.
[07:21.16]Red may be exciting,
[07:25.70]but one researcher says that timeseems to pass more slowly in a room with warm colors
[07:33.75]than in a room with cool colors.
[07:38.42]He suggests that a warm color, such as red or orange,
[07:44.90]is a good color for a living room or restaurant.
[07:49.94]People who are relaxing or eating do not want time to pass quickly.
[07:57.02]Cool colors are better for offlees or factories