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Well, I guess it's, it's nice, cause it means a lot to you.

是啊 这一定很棒 因为这对你意义重大

Because you are a big fan, watched the show. - I am a huge fan. 

因为你是我节目的粉丝 -我是狂热粉

Yeah, I know that you read my book when you were in the hospital. - I have three of them.

是啊 我知道你在医院时 都在看我的书 -我有三本你的书

Yeah.You have all my books. Well, thank you so much. 

是的 你全都买了 非常感谢你的支持

And you have all my swag.You're wearing my stuff, my socks. - Yeah.

你还有我全部的纪念品 你一身都是我的品牌 包括袜子 -是的

My...hopefully my underwear.I will give you whatever you want. Now you are here. 

可能还穿着艾伦牌内裤 既然你来了 你想要什么我都送给你

So you were diagnosed with cancer four years ago.

你在四年前被确诊为癌症 对吗

Yeah, just about three half, four.Just out of nowhere,

是的 大概三年半或四年前 就是突如其来的

you just all over sudden got the diagnoses.


Yeah, it's wired, I was having headaches, uh...

是的 有点奇怪 我那时有些头疼...

And, with the brain cancer that I have to type,This was like have seizures, or anything.

我患的这种脑瘤 应该有癫痫或者类似症状的

But I didn't. So It was very unusual.

但是我没有 这很异常

Right, and the time, four years ago.How long did they give you 

那么 在那时 四年前 他们告诉你 你的生命还剩多久

My private nurse says it's for eighteen months. 

医务人员告诉我说 我还能活十八个月

Right, and four years later, here you are.Smiling right here. 

然而 四年后 你依然面带微笑地 坐在这里

I love that I make you happy, and that make you smile.'Cause I do think that counts for a lot of things,

能让你微笑 让你开心 我很欣慰 因为那很有意义

I think that helps people feel good in many many ways.


That's true.So what did you say to your doctor when they said 'Cause you used to play soccer and everything, right 

的确 你的医生那么告诉你时 你怎么说的 因为你以前是足球运动员

Yeah, I still do. Um, play, well, at least I try. 

是的 我还在踢球 或者说 试着踢