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Alrigt. Oh.That's not good when that sound happens.Who wants to go next?

啊 听起来感觉不大妙 下一个谁来

You want Melanie or Heather, it's up to you.

是梅勒妮还是希瑟 由你们决定

Me, 'cause it's killing me.Okay. The waiting is killing me.

我来 这太折磨人了 好 等的过程太恐怖了

Than it's gonna be Melanie, okay? 

那就先降梅勒妮吧 好吗

Melanie, I will see you in a minute. - Okay. 

梅勒妮 等会儿见 好

I mean, it's too much fun,when you said you are scared. 

说真的 你说害怕的时候 实在是太有意思了

Okay. Now, are you ready?Wait a minute, wait wait wait wait.Wait. 

现在 你准备好了吗 等等 等一下 等等 等等 等等

The crocodile has not moved back to that area yet. 


Alrigt.No. There are not crocodiles in there.Sharks.I am kidding. 

好吧 啊不对 那没有鳄鱼 有鲨鱼 逗你呢

There are little baby jerboa cheer packs. 


Alrigt. Here we go, ready? Yes. 

来了 准备好了吗 准备好了

Here you go.Come on now.Hi. Oh My God!Hi.Hi...Alrigt. 

走你 大家出来吧 嗨 -啊 天呐 嗨 嗨 好了

You each are getting a fifty-inches TCL Roku TV,and we, get to dance. 

你们每人都将获得一台50寸TCL罗库电视 我们 来跳个舞吧