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We are back with Justin Bieber 

我们回来了 今天的嘉宾是Justin Bieber

And should I ask now or should I ask later about where's my gift

我应该现在问还是等会再问 我的礼物呢

You told me you're gonna bring me something,like you birthday 

你说你要送我礼物 你的生日礼物

I missed it so I'm working on world peace,Ok, good,Working on it. 

我错过了你的生日 我在致力于维护世界和平 好吧 我正在努力

If anyone can do,you can do it,all right 

如果别人可以做这件事 你也能做 好的

It's a lock of my hair,A lock of,That's so sweet,All right

我的一绺头发,一绺头发 太贴心了 好的

Here's the thing you don't know,When you see this movie you gonna go what does he do cause you 

有件事你不知道 当你看这部电影的时候 你会想 他怎么这么神通广大

How do you speak French fluently too by the way,All right,Ok

你法语怎么说的这么流畅 行了 别嘚瑟了

So he solves Rubik's Cube under 30 seconds, 


He plays basketball like you can't even believe,such a great athlete 

他玩篮球玩的很转 很有运动天赋

So I thought I gotta challenge him some stuff 


So what we are gonna do is we are gonna take this, this is Justin's hair

所以我们准备做的事 拿着它 这是Justin的头发

All right, so here let's go over here,We are gonna have to get 3 balls 

好了 来 我们到这边来 我们必须让3个球弹进去

You have to bounce three balls in there then we move on 

我们必须让3个球弹进去 然后才能去下一个地方

bounce this side or that side,However you want, three balls into there

弹这边台子还是那边 不管用什么方法 把3个球弹进去

Once you're done three balls there you move over there 

完成之后 你要到这个地方

Three you go into yours,I'll go into mine 

三个球进你的门 我的球进我的门

You have to get into the bottom or,Yeah the bottom 

要从下面进去还是 是的 下面

And then we move over and as many basketballs in 30 seconds 

然后我们到这里 在30秒内尽可能多的投球

And the clock starts now 
