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Hi,I don't know why I'm putting a mic on you 

嗨 我不知道我为啥要给你麦克风

you are not gonna be able to talk here either, are you? 


You all right? I'm good.Take a breathe.Let's do this. 

你没事吧 我挺好 深呼吸 我们一起来

Your heart's beating fast? 


So you are saying that was fun,Is is more fun? 

你说那次很兴奋 现在是不是更爽

We didn't even have to send you there


We could just call her down and she sat on you lap and she's ok

我们直接打电话让她过来 让她坐在你腿上就行了

But what did you feel like when he walks into your bedroom?


I was shaking,I didn't know he's coming at all 

我在发抖 我一点也不知道他要来

I saw him,I thought I was dreaming like and thank you,I can't believe that at all. 

我看见了他 我觉得这是梦 谢谢你 这太难以置信了

Could you sleep last night?


I went to bed like 4:30 last night


 I mean really,he was in your bedroom

我是说真的 他在你的卧室里

I couldn't even go to school today,No this is exciting right 

我今天都不去学校了 这很激动人心

He has one more surprise for you,Do you?

他还有一个惊喜给你 是吧

Yes,You know my premiere tonight? 

是的 你知道我今晚电影首映式吧

Tonight you're coming,You are coming, you gotta go.you excited?

今晚 你要来 你要来 一定要来哦 开心吗

You gonna go and see the movie,You family are coming too

你要去看电影 你的家人也要去

All right,We take a break,we'll be back. 

好了 我们休息一下 马上回来