News Plus慢速英语:中央政治局集体学习习主席强调落实安全发展理念 农村小学条件得到改善
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged authorities to stay on high alert and make every effort to ensure public safety for the country's billion-plus people.
In a group study of the Party's Political Bureau Central Committee, Xi Jinping stressed the importance of public safety in a stable social environment.
Public safety generally includes food and drug safety, workplace safety, and disaster prevention and relief.
Xi Jinping said China's public safety conditions are largely good. But to be alert to latent problems, the president has called for an improved mechanism to avoid and better respond to safety hazards.
Xi Jinping asked officials to strengthen safety regulations for agricultural products to make sure people eat safely and healthily.
He vowed to adopt the strictest safety standards in food and drug production and severely punish violators.
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
Conditions for China's most humble elementary schools have improved dramatically since the beginning of this year.
The schools, located in remote rural areas, generally faced shortages of teaching staff. Things have started to change thanks to the completion of a national project to extend digital educational resources to them.
According to a statement from the Ministry of Education, more than 4 million rural children will benefit from the project.
Equipped with receiving equipment, cameras, TV sets and projectors, the elementary schools could gain access to high quality teaching of top schools in large cities.
China has allocating more resources in recent years for child welfare and education.
During a trip to northwestern Shaanxi Province earlier this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed the importance of education, noting education is the key to development in poor areas.
The central government allocated 88 billion yuan. That's roughly 14 billion U.S. dollars, to support rural compulsory education last year, up 6 percent from the previous year, despite a drop in the number of students in rural areas.
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