
经济学人下载:俄罗斯和乌克兰 课间休息


1.put away 抛弃;储存

Put away clothes when you take them off. If clothes are dirty, put them in the hamper.
脱下来的衣服要放好 .如果衣服脏了,丢进桶里.如果是干净的,放进衣橱.

If we brought something home like groceries or library books, those get put away, right away.

2.turn into 变成;进入

They turn into this street.

But that goal would itself involve a more expensive capital structure in the form of a layer of debt that can turn into equity in an emergency; it is in any case a long way from being reached.
然而,这个目标本身就需要在债务层建立一个更昂贵的资本结构,以确保紧急情况下这些债务可以转变为可用资金。 所以,要达到这一目标,还需要很长的路要走。

3.force to 强迫

We have renounced the use of force to settle our disputes.

This is one of the most powerful exercises we do in my seminars, but even without supervision you can turn it into a force to be reckoned with!
这是在我的讲座中所做的最具感染力的现场实验之一,而且即便是在缺乏监督的情况下,你也可以将之转变为一股不可忽视的 力量 。

4.take place 发生;举行

When does the wedding come off [take place]?

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