


The world this week--Politics本周国际要闻--政治Joe Biden gave a speech in Warsaw ahead of the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰一周年前夕,乔·拜登在华沙发表了演讲。The American president called on the West to continue supporting Ukraine, and tore into Vladimir Putin for committing atrocities in the war. 美国总统呼吁西方继续支持乌克兰,对弗拉基米尔·普京在战争中犯下的暴行进行了抨击。A day earlier Mr Biden visited Kyiv.一天前,拜登访问了基辅。He pledged more military aid, including radars and anti-armour systems, but not the fighter jets that Ukraine has asked for. 他承诺会提供更多包括雷达和反装甲系统在内的军事援助,但不会提供乌克兰要求的战斗机。Air-raid sirens accompanied his walkabout with Volodymyr Zelensky, though no missiles fell on the city. 尽管他与弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基的出巡伴随着防空警报声,但没有导弹落在这座城市。The Russians were told in advance that Mr Biden would be in Kyiv.俄罗斯方面被事先告知拜登将访问基辅。The Belarusian dictator, Alexander Lukashenko, announced the creation of a domestic defence force of 150,000 “volunteers” who will be trained how to handle weapons. 白俄罗斯独裁者亚历山大·卢卡申科宣布建立一支由15万“志愿者”组成的国内国防军,他们将接受如何操作武器的训练。This is in case Belarus comes under attack, he said, though such a force could easily be used in another brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protesters.他表示,此举是为了防止白俄罗斯遭到攻击,不过这样一支部队很容易被用于又一场对支持民主的抗议者的残酷镇压。Russia has been trying to gather information that would enable it to sabotage Dutch energy infrastructure in the North Sea, according to MIVD, the military intelligence agency of the Netherlands. 据荷兰军事情报机构MIVD称,俄罗斯一直在试图收集信息,以便破坏荷兰在北海的能源基础设施。One Russian ship was escorted out of the region when it tried to survey offshore wind farms.一艘俄罗斯船只在试图勘测近海风电场时被护送离开该地区。Another strong earthquake hit the Turkey-Syria border, two weeks after a quake of magnitude 7.8 killed 50,000 people. 土耳其与叙利亚边境再次发生强烈地震,两周前,土耳其发生7.8级地震,造成5万人遇难。The WHO thinks that 26m people in Turkey and Syria are in need of assistance.世界卫生组织认为,土耳其和叙利亚有2600万人需要援助。The most senior transport official in Spain and the head of the state rail company both resigned, after 258m euros (275m dollars) was spent on designing new commuter trains that could not fit through tunnels in the country’s north. 西班牙花费2.58亿欧元(合2.75亿美元)设计新型通勤列车,但这些列车(尺寸过大)无法通过该国北部的隧道,之后,西班牙最高交通官员和国家铁路公司负责人双双辞职。One regional leader described it as “an unspeakable botch”.一位地区领导人将其形容为“糟到无法形容”。Britain’s health service braced for more industrial action as junior doctors voted to strike. 随着初级医生投票罢工,英国医疗服务部门准备迎接更多的劳工运动。Nurses were due to strike again at the beginning of March, but have put this on hold amid talks with the government.护士们原定于3月初再次罢工,但在与政府谈判过程中搁置了此次罢工。In December nurses walked out for the first time in over 100 years, joining other unionised workers as high inflation erodes pay. 去年12月,护士们举行了百年来的首次罢工,加入了其他工会工人的行列,因为高通胀侵蚀了薪酬。Public opinion is split on the strikes, but a majority of people think the government’s handling of them has been poor.公众对罢工意见不一,但大多数人认为政府对罢工的处理很糟糕。The Biden administration proposed tough new rules to deter illegal migrants from crossing the Mexican border ahead of an anticipated surge in arrivals when Title 42, a pandemic measure that allowed for their swift expulsion, ends in May. 拜登政府提出了严格的新规定,以阻止非法移民越过墨西哥边境,因为预计《第42条法案》将于5月结束,抵达墨西哥的非法移民将激增。《第42条法案》是一项针对疫情的措施,允许迅速将非法移民驱逐出境。To try to gain entry migrants must first make an appointment with a border official using an app.为了获得入境资格,移民必须首先使用应用程序与边境官员预约。