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经济学人下载:本周政治要闻 墨西哥一监狱发生争斗49名犯人死亡 教皇方济各访问墨西哥
Obama to Havana
奥巴马三月将访古巴Barack Obama is expected to visit Cuba in March. His visit will be the first by an American president to the island since Calvin Coolidge went in经济学人下载:本周政治要闻 美大法官去世继任人选引纷争 救援物资抵达叙利亚
The world this week-Politics
本周政治要闻Tributes were paid to Antonin Scalia, one of the justices on America's Supreme Court, who unexpectedly died while holidaying in Texas.
前经济学人下载:电影与电视 删减血腥镜头(下)
China has relaxed a bit since: for a while, one film fan had a blog called Research Centre for Nipples in Chinese Films.
据一位电影爱好者的博客中国电影乳房研究中心所言,自那时开始经济学人下载:电影与电视 删减血腥镜头(上)
Film and television Blood and cuts
电影与电视 删减血腥镜头Unusually, some Chinese want more censorship
不同寻常,一些国人期待更严格的审查A FLYING dagger stabs a Japanese soldier经济学人下载:迪士尼 星球大战 迪士尼和神话创造
Disney Star Wars, Disney and myth-making
迪士尼 星球大战,迪士尼和神话创造How one company came to master the business of storytelling
一个公司如何成为兜售故事的商业传奇FROM a gala经济学人下载:家庭关系 爱情故事的终结
Family relationships
家庭关系Divorce: a love story
离婚:爱情故事的终结While the government talks up family values, marriage break-ups are soaring
A Kim in his counting house
一位在账房的朝鲜领导人The regime suffers none of the consequences of its misrule
朝鲜政权没有受到暴政所带来的恶果A powerful army usually depends on经济学人下载:委内瑞拉进入经济紧急状态 奥巴马或越权
Sanctions on Iran were lifted after the regime was found to be in compliance with its obligations to dismantle parts of its nuclear programme. Yet America almost immediately impose
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2016-02-22经济学人下载:汇丰银行 东方伊甸园
HSBC: London v Hong Kong
汇丰银行:伦敦VS香港East is Eden
东方伊甸园Banking's longest, and most successful, identity crisis
银行业历时最久,最为著名的身份认知危机HSBC—经济学人下载:中国的打车软件 不只是客运
Car-hailing apps in China
中国的打车软件More than mobility
不只是客运The ambitions of Didi Kuaidi, Uber's Chinese rival, go far beyond taxi-hailing
作为Uber的竞争对手,滴滴快的经济学人下载:跨性别者的生活 卫生间风波
Transgender life
跨性别者的生活Restroom rumpus
卫生间风波A fault line runs through the stalls
卫生间里的错误划分“THESE children have fewer rights than prison inmates,&rdqu经济学人下载:脸书禁止枪支买卖 WTO宣布寨卡病毒为全球紧急公共卫生事件
Politics this week
本周政治要闻The long process to choose America's presidential candidates got under way, in Iowa. Ted Cruz won the state's Republican caucuses, upending Donald经济学人下载:移民金融 未来福地
Finance and economics
金融商业Banking for immigrants-Far-sighted
移民金融—未来福地Catering to foreign-born customers is a growing niche in finance
Wage negotiations in Argentina
阿根廷的工资谈判Class war
一场关于开学的战争Teachers'unions go out on strike
教师公会举行罢工“IT CAN'T be that every annual salary negotia经济学人下载:才华横溢的脑科医生能入主白宫
莱克星顿The Ben Carson mirage
海市蜃楼般的Ben CarsonWhy some Republicans think a charismatic brain surgeon can win the White House
为什么一些共和党人认为才华横溢的脑科经济学人下载:清洁能源 让阳光普照大地
Clean energy
清洁能源Let the sun shine
让阳光普照大地The future is bright for solar power, even as subsidies are withdrawn
尽管补贴不再,太阳能的未来一片光明FORTY-FIVE minutes w经济学人下载:玩火自焚 自发群众运动遏制失败墨西哥厝火积薪
贝优Dallying with a monster
玩火自焚In failing to snuff out vigilantism, Mexico is running big risks
自发群众运动遏制失败,墨西哥厝火积薪THE rule of law has long been a st经济学人下载:肯萨斯和密苏苏里 新边境之战
Kansas and Missouri
肯萨斯和密苏苏里The new border war
新边境之战Missouri calls for an economic truce with Kansas
密苏苏里提出与肯萨斯达成经济休战协定I hear the tax breaks are g经济学人下载:总统图书馆 风格与骗局
Presidential libraries
总统图书馆Style and guile
风格与骗局The search for a home for Mr Obama's library and museum has begun
为奥巴马图书馆和博物馆找家的工作已经展开“AT T经济学人下载:美国新闻业 数字复兴
Journalism in America
美国新闻业Digital resurrection
数字复兴Some moderately good news in the news industry
新闻业的好消息IN FEBRUARY Vice, a media firm that caters to youngster经济学人下载:高等教育
Higher education
高等教育Is college worth it?
读大学还值得吗?Too many degrees are a waste of money. The return on higher education would be much better if college were cheaper经济学人下载:政治足球 智利税改
贝洛A political FUTbol
政治足球 智利税改Michelle Bachelet's struggle to combine equity and growth in Chile
Michelle Bachelet致力于在智利经济增长的同时促进公平“CHILE经济学人下载:军装 真正隐形
Military uniforms
军装Out of sight
真正隐形Expense and stupidity too big to camouflage
迷彩服也不再能伪装目标巨大的支出和愚蠢“I WEAR camo so I can feel safe,” says S经济学人下载:政界金权 任君捐
Money in politics
政界金权Sky's the limit
任君捐The justices open the door to more campaign contributions
法院为竞选赞助敞开大门SHAUN McCUTCHEON, a businessman from Alabama, wa经济学人下载:中情局之用刑 公诸于世
The CIA and torture
中情局之用刑Into the light
公诸于世A pull-no-punches report is to be released
一份毫不客气的报告即将公布THOSE who do not publish history's mistakes are doom
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