

Words in This Story

tile – n. a usually flat piece of hard clay, stone, or other material that is used for covering walls, floors, etc.

staircase – n. a set of stairs and its supporting structures

apartment – n. a room or set of rooms fitted especially with housekeeping facilities and usually leased as a dwelling

miniature – adj. being or represented on a small scale

mansion – n. a large and impressive house : the large house of a wealthy person

real estate – n. property in buildings and land

original – adj. happening or existing first or at the beginning : made or produced first : not a copy, translation, etc.

sink – n. a wide bowl that has a faucet for water and a drain at the bottom and is usually positioned in a counter or on a pedestal

inspiration – n. something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone

down payment – n. a part of the full price paid at the time of purchase or delivery with the balance to be paid later