


President Trump and top U.S. officials are reaffirming America's continued commitment to Saudi Arabia in the wake of a Saudi Air Force student's shooting spree at a Navy base in Florida. AP's Ben Thomas reports.
I spoke with the king of Saudi Arabia. They are devastated in Saudi Arabia.... Speaking to reporters as he left the White House Saturday, President Trump said Saudi King Salman offered reassurances.
... and the king will be involved in taking care of families and ....
A Saudi statement calls the shooting a heinous crime that does not represent the Saudi people who count the American people as friends and allies.
Meanwhile, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said he wouldn't hesitate to deploy U.S. forces to Saudi Arabia.
... not at all. I think, you know, Saudi Arabia's a longstanding partner of ours in the region. We share mutual security interests ....

Esper added the Pentagon would reexamine vetting procedures for foreign nationals taking part in its training programs.
Ben Thomas, Washington.
This is VOA news.
U.S. Democratic lawmakers met privately Saturday to work on the investigation into President Donald Trump, inching closer to an impeachment vote possibly before the Christmas holiday recess.
Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee are working through the weekend to review evidence against the Republican president and draft articles of impeachment that they could recommend for a full House vote as early as Thursday.
The White House said Friday it would not take part in the impeachment hearings.