


Holiday shopping in the United States can seem like an olympic sport,
hustling in and out of stores, scouring for deals.
And more and more shopping on computers,
particularly on Cyber Monday, the first monday after the U.S. Thanksgiving Day holiday.
It’s when online retailers offer eye-popping deals.
I think the Cyber Monday will see more and more sales.
More and more people will kind of migrate to shopping online versus in-store.
In the U.S. , nearly 20% of all holiday sales are expected to occur online this year.
Still, many say buying stuff this way can be tedious.
They miss the personal experience of being in a store, touching the object, talking to a salesperson.
I like to still go to stores, and you know, especially places like Macy’s and Nordstrom and those big stores.
It’s nice to be able to talk to the helpers in the store and try different products,
so it makes it enjoyable, possibly even walk around with your girlfriends or your daughters.
I’d like a deal on a price.
I’m not gonna lie about that.
But like just online shopping, I would prefer the actual shopping as opposed to online shopping in general.
For many shoppers, finding that right gift is often a mixture of looking both online and in person.
I feel like Cyber Monday. I get to be like removed from all the craziness.
But I still get a really good deal.
Some retailers try to blend the online and in-person shopping experience.
This store in San Francisco sells electronics and other products, but doubles as a showroom.
If the shopper goes home and buys the product online from Amazon, that’s okay.
The store shares its data with the companies behind the products.
Each one of our stores has cameras up in the ceilings here.
These collect anonymous overhead data.

So this is basically just measuring bodies in a space.
Some stores such as IKEA, the furniture seller, are using augmented reality,
so an online shopper can see what a chair might look like in their living room.
Chat bots, pre-programmed online assistants, answer shoppers questions.
It’s not human.
They’ve been able to like emulate a human,
and so well and provides so much information to that bot.
It really gives the customer a very good experience.
For many shoppers, getting into the holiday spirit online is a challenge.
But with a few clicks and the help of a chat bot, shoppers can get their shopping done,
so they can enjoy the holiday season.