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The One Where The Stripper Cries

Joey's a celebrity guest on Pyramid; he does horribly until he's in the Winner's Circle, where he does very well... until the last clue. Rachel and Monica throw a bachelorette party for Phoebe, but haven't hired a stripper. When they learn that Phoebe's counting on one, they make a quick call and hire the first one that is available. He turns out to be short, fat, and old. When Phoebe doesn't like him, he cries. Ross and Chandler go to a college alumni gathering. They argue about girls from their past, prompting a series of flashbacks to 1987 and their freshman year of college, including a party where Rachel (with her old nose) and Monica (before she lost the weight) come for a visit. Several discoveries are made, including the fact that Chandler kissed Rachel, and Ross (who thought he kissed Rachel) actually kissed Monica.

莫妮卡和瑞秋为菲比开婚前的单身派对,为救场请来又老又胖的脱衣舞男(Danny DeVito客串),菲比嫌弃他,他感到伤了自尊,哭了。



10-11 聪明一把


  本集中, Joey作为名人参加了有奖智力游戏“金字塔”。刚开始可真是可怜了他的搭档,因为Jody只会毫无常识地瞎蒙。那一轮虽然没赢,不过Joey却自得其乐。之后,得知搭档Gene需要那1万美无奖金供孩子上大学,为他自己的膝盖动手术。有感于Gene的话,Joey发挥趋常,他也聪明了一把!

Donny: Oh, time's up! Joey! You were, uh, almost on a roll there...

Joey: Yeah...

Donny: Uh, Gene, you're gonna have a chance to go to the winner circle in the second half. But right now Henrietta you are going to the winner circle to try your luck for ten thousand dollars, right after this, don't go away.

Stage Manager : And we're out!

Joey: Oh, so we didn't win, but it's fun to play the game, right?

Gene: Hey! I got a kid starting college. I've to get surgery on my knee, you just lost me ten grand!


“Time's up!”的意思是“时间到了。”up在这里的意思是“终结,完了”。又如:use up(用光,花光),eat up(吃光)。


up to(依靠,取决于),例如:whether you will make it or not,it's up to you.即It depends on you.或者是You decide.(成败与否,取决于你自己。)

up to(occupied with)(忙于做某事),例如,你经常会听到老外给你打招呼时说:What are you up to?(你在忙什么呀?你在干嘛?)

up to(多至,长至),例如:Students are allowed up to two hours to finish the test.(学生允许有两个小时来完成考试。)
Cheer up!(振作起来!开心一点儿!)。

ups and downs(沉浮,兴衰,好运和坏运的变换,或好心情和坏心情的交替)例如:Life is full of ups and downs.(生活中充满了沉浮。)

up to date/updated(现代的,最新的,流行的)例如:I keep up to date with the news bv listening to radio.(我通过听收音机了解最新消息。)

be on a roll(undergoing or experiencing sustained,even increasing good fortune,or Success)意思就是“进展良好,持续地经历或体验越来越多的好运或成功”例如:This basketball team is on a roll right now.They've won two!Fames in a row.Now thev are fighting for the three-peat.(这支篮球队战绩,艮好。连续两次获胜。现在他们正为“三连冠”而奋战。)再如:The stock market's on a roll.(股市正处在上升的势头中。)