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" Morning there is a new leader at General Motors today after which black it was forced to step down. As CEO of the struggling automaker yesterday at the request to be Obama administration. Then move comes the administration prepares to announce today. It's next steps to restructure GM and Chrysler and saving US auto industry. Fox business is Jeff flock is live in Detroit in had a very busy weekend Jeff what's the latest."

" Alexis lets anyone who has been through a major corporate restructuring and the departure of a CEO -- the end of the child for nearly a decade has some sense. What is going on behind me at GM world headquarters at the renaissance center here in Detroit this morning and -- so much to talk about. Rick Wagoner his successor the Obama plan and -- goes from here so let's start right in with Rick Wagner.

As you report yesterday. At the impetus of the federal government Rick Wagoner was asked to resign and he complied. What we can tell you about Rick Wagner's you know we've spent more time would have on fox business network have got to know went fairly well over the course of the past. A year and a half or so I've got a daughter lives in India he's got a son who lives there we were all the talk about that.

At 47 he was the youngest CEO in General Motors history he was an executive of the year. I think we get a likened Rick Wagoner to a guy who won the World Series though earlier in his career. Because he did orchestrate a huge turnaround for GM but ninety's but the team has not done well lately -- forced out. The successor is Fritz Henderson he is the man who was.

The president seal all of General Motors. Was since March of 2008. Did with the company since 84 is a local native University of Michigan graduate. And well liked -- the cultivate. But not a huge departure perhaps from Rick Wagner. It on the subject to brag -- Resignation I talked with -- in our last interview that we did actually. And I had the temerity to ask him whether or not yet been thinking. About resigning. Here's what he said."

" If you look at these. Interviews face to face as he once said I think that you know some has been asked me if they want me to resign you better not do it in your piece in my -- want to -- say. Mister -- you're gonna resign do you ever think about that looking. You know not at all mean we're. We've got I think a very good team throughout the company everybody's working hard on what's an important mission and I'm privileged to work -- good people and we're going to say right at it."

" A source -- told. Bob -- producer photographer Bob Wright last time he was here that Rick Wagner was getting very very tired and -- worked on that's a lot. What he's been working on as the viability plan and now to that. A the president today at 11 AM eastern time we'll announce the plan but that details of the -- largely out already a want to go to that quickly. First of all the GM plant.

The president says. He thinks GM can survive and thrive. The restructuring he thinks can lead to a viable GM. They've got sixty days of money. To make it work if not bankruptcy. Is an option and quickly to the Chrysler plant. They don't think the president doesn't this task force that Chrysler is viable as a standalone. They get thirty days to work out a deal with Fiat so that they can. Make some sort of -- an alliance there there will be no leadership change is Bob Nardelli is not out presumably because the company doesn't have that much long. To survive as a standalone. And the president did point out there will point out that their quality has lagged competitors that's one of the reasons. Big day -- big big day -- certainly is Geoff all right we'll thanks."