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Move over, Snow White. There is a new princess in town, Tiana. She's the new "fairest of them all" and she's making history as Disney's first black princess.

"fairest of them all"--这是在《白雪公主》里巫婆皇后照镜子时说的那句话"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? "

"Finally, here is something that all little girls, especially young black girls can embrace, and that is huge."

Tiana's timing couldn't be better. The fairy tale princess falling on the heels of what some call a real life fairy tale. The Obama's.

"That seems a message that you know what, no matter what you look like, you're beautiful, that one day you can be a princess, one day you're going to be first lady."

And Tiana's a modern princess, shapely with her own career, far different from cartoons of years passed.
shapely 样子好看的,匀称的

Racial stereotypes used to be everywhere, even in some Disney productions. There are reels on YouTube. But times have changed, says marketing guru Linda Kaplan Thalers.
Racial stereotypes 种族偏见,种族固有的模式

"It used to be that we would see people in blackface. We would see minstrel shows. We would see black people portrait in subservient position and it is so wonderful that we have finally move past the stereotypes. "
people in blackface 把脸涂成黑色表演的演员
minstrel shows 白人把自己打扮成黑人进行乐队演出
in subservient 从属的,屈从谄媚的

Pocahontas, Mulan and now, Tiana, Disley's marketing machine is in high gear (高速运转). The doll was unveiledlast month and her movie will be out soon too, "The Princess and the Frog" , set in New Orleans. Tiana's a waitress, a budding chef. She kisses a frog who, no surprice, turns out to be a prince. Kaplan Thalers says that's where the story still needs some work.
high gear 高速运转

"There're a lot of girls, even at five or six years old, who might scratch their head and go, I don't know. I don't know if it's going to be solved by a prince. I don't know if a frog is going to do it. "