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The Forest Service was created over a hundred years ago to address the damage caused by uncontrolled logging. Concerns for water supply and river navigation were paramount.During the last century, America’s forests, grasslands and waterways have recovered and our forested land area remains relatively stable.We met the conservation challenges of our early years.

Today our forests and grasslands face new threats – from climate change. Fires are a natural part of forested landscapes, but each year the fire season comes earlier and ends later. Fires burn hotter and are more damaging and dangerous. Insects are also a natural part of forested landscapes, but now destructive pests are spreading more rapidly. Winter cold isn’t knocking back some populations. Warmer winters also affect our water supplies. The snow packs are thinner and they melt earlier in spring, so the water runs out from the forest earlier in summer. Extended droughts make trees more vulnerable to fire and insects and reduce the amount of water available for fish, wildlife, communities and agriculture. The impacts of rising temperatures on aquatic systems are a major concern. Many species, such as the Bull Trout, are highly susceptible to temperature increases that could result from climate change. These impacts threaten the capacity of our forests to provide all kinds of ecosystem services that people have come to expect, including clean air and water, habitat for fish and wildlife, and opportunities for hunting, fishing, skiing, and other kinds of outdoor recreation.The changes in climate we are now experiencing are strongly influenced by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Since the Industrial Revolution, and particularly in the 20th century, CO2 emissions have increased dramatically.