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Changes to our climate over the next 30 to 40 years, caused by past emissions, are largely inevitable.For decades, Forest Service scientists have been studying and assessing climate change effects on forests, rangelands and watersheds.This focused research will help build the firm scientific foundation for our management actions. We will need to be adaptive in our management of forests and grasslands, helping them become more resilient to the stresses caused by climate change.Many migratory bird species, such as the Kirtland’s Warbler, may be vulnerable because of their highly specialized habitat requirements. Understanding the implications of climate change for threatened and endangered species is a high priority.We must also consider the impacts of climate change on people, and on the ecosystem services we depend upon.Throughout much of the arid West, water shortages will be worsened by climate change. Operation of ski areas on Forest Service lands may be altered as snow conditions change.Managing watershed functions of forests and grasslands will be critical as we try to maximize how they collect, filter, store and release water.Repairing degraded meadows and fixing roads makes watersheds more resilient and able to function better under a warmer climate with longer droughts. Many actions, such as thinning overly dense forests, will be win-win solutions – increasing forest health, while at the same time decreasing susceptibility to catastrophic wildfires – a major source of CO2 emissions.

Although we don’t know all the ways our management will adapt in the face of climate change – we know it will. And we are committed to using the best science available, and to being flexible in our responses.