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When it comes to get into college, a good score on your SAT is the magic ticket. Or is it? Carol Costello is taking a look at the changing standards for Standrdized Test in an "A.M. Original," "Educating America."

Never has one test cost so much angst. That's a-n-g-s-t, a feeling of anxiety.

"Are you nervous? Are you excited?"

"Oh, I'm so nervous."

Hence, this class designed to beat the test.

"And that's enough to guess E over D."

Parents pay The Princeton Review and other organizations anywhere from 600 to $8,000 for special classes or private tutors so their child can literally beat the SAT. 16-year-old McKenna Baskett from Missouri ......

"I got the gist of it."

......is spending her summer in SAT class.

"I'm really a bad test-taker and they're really hard questions, so I'm just hoping I can get through it."

Imagine, all of this a-n-g-s-t for a test that many say doesn't even measure how smart you are.

"There's a whole word list you can do."

Ed Carroll tutors students to take the test.

"There are people who think naturally and incorrectly that the SAT is a measure of intelligence and it never was. The only thing the SAT is really good at is predicting how well you do on the SAT."