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No.7 - Iron Man 2
《机器侠 2》

Iron Man re-engineered comic book movies to be mature, socially relevant and totally fun, and we’re expecting more of the same when Robert Downey Jr. returns to his role as the alcoholic, sex-addicted, wise-ass billionaire Tony Stark. While we’re glad to see Gwyneth Paltrow bring back sexually mischievous undercurrents to the role as Pepper Potts, it’s the new additions to the cast that are getting us excited. Scarlett Johansson looks seductive and smashing as the Russian dominatrix Black Widow, and Don Cheadle looks like he’s having a lot of fun in his War Machine getup. And in one of the most ingenuous casting moves of the year, we have Mickey Rourke as Whiplash, looking like a gypsy with a hardcore mean streak.

《钢铁侠2》将于2010年5月7日上映,其故事说的是托尼·斯塔克(Tony Stark)公布自己“钢铁侠”身份引发的一连串后果,除了主演小罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)、格温妮斯·帕特罗(Gwyneth Paltrow)回归,影片还找来了斯佳丽·乔安森(Scarlett Johansson)来扮演“黑寡妇”(Black Widow)。