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No.5 - Green Zone

With Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon reteaming, you might as well call this Bourne does Baghdad. Damon stars as a U.S. soldier who is searching for weapons of mass destruction but finds lies and treachery instead. Although movies set in Iraq have done poorly at the box office, the critical reception of The Hurt Locker and the involvement of Greengrass and Damon promise to change the atmosphere. Green Zone promises to be a politically edged action thriller from the team that gave us Bourne Supremacy and Bourne Ultimatum, two of the best action thrillers in recent memory to take a shot at politics.

本片是根据《华盛顿邮报》驻巴格达记者拉吉夫·产德拉斯卡兰(Rajiv Chandrasekaran)的作品改编而成的。通过对照重兵保护下的绿区与兵荒马乱、生灵涂炭的外围地区的日常生活,描绘了美国推翻萨达姆后,伊拉克在临时当局统治下的荒废、失败和无能。