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Even the most optimistic experts agree wave energy will probably account for about 15% of the world's renewable energy portfolio. Still OPT's Dunleavy insists that will make it a multi-billion dollar industry.

"We believe that in the next two to three years, we can attain production volumes with that will help us to compete with other forms of renewable energy, but also begin on the curve of being able to become competitive with fossile fuel-based energy."

While the world searches for alternative for fossil fuels, wind and solar may appear more viable, but there are many who believe the next wave will be just that.

Out to the break, Denmark has been the forefront of wind power since the 70s. So what can the rest of the world learn from the Den's love affair with the wind?


exact a terrible price: if something exacts a terrible price, it has a very bad effect on a person or on a situation 造成恶劣的影响
elemental: wild and powerful; like the forces of nature 狂暴的;猛烈的
embattled: surrounded by problems and difficulties 被困扰的;处境艰难的;危机四伏的
tried and tested: If a method has been tried and tested, it is known to work or be effective because it has been successfully used long enough to be trusted. 久经考验的,切实可行的
For decades, surfers have made the pilgrimage to Hawaii, paying homage to its golden beaches and bowing before its world-class waves.:这篇新闻稿的用词比较讲究,这句话里面同一个意思它换了三种说法make the pilgrimage to, pay homage to, bow before,其实这三个词组都是"向......表示敬意"的意思,但是这样的句子读起来就很有趣味,语句不会显得单调。
disciple: a person who believes in and follows the teachings of a religious or political leader 信徒;门徒;追随者
revolutionize: to completely change the way that something is done 彻底改变;完全变革
life preservers: 救生衣
bob: to move or make something move quickly up and down, especially in water (使在水中)上下快速移动,摆动
one-fifteenth scale model: 这个词组的意思是"以十五比一的比例缩小的模型"。
atone: to act in a way that shows you are sorry for doing something wrong in the past 赎(罪);弥补(过错)
viable: that can be done; that will be successful 可实施的;切实可行的