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Everybody's saying the environment is going down the toilet. But simple fixes around the house can help prevent it. With one easy adjustment, you'll save money, water and the environment… one flush at a time.


Step 1
Fill up a half-gallon container and seal it shut.

1. 灌满一桶容积为0.5加仑的水桶,然后把盖子盖严。

Step 2:
Put the container in your toilet's water tank.You'll use less water in your tank and save water with every flush!

2. 把水桶放进马桶水箱。这样,水箱中所需的水就少了,并且以后每次冲马桶的时候都会省水。

Step 3:
Done. In one minute, you just saved 16% on your water bill and 7,500 gallons per year. Let your friends know; this tip will save us all money and help keep our environment from going down the tubes.

3. 大功告成!只需花一分钟,你就能每年节约7,500加仑的水,省下16%的水费。告诉你的朋友们吧:这个小常识不仅会为大家省钱,还能下水道中拯救我们的环境。