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To reinforce its role as the backbone of desktop technology and launch its new I5 processor, Intel has released 'The Chase', a two-minute spot detailing an action-packed chase through various programs and elements of your computer.
为了巩固自己在桌面处理器上的顶梁柱角色,为了推出最新的Core i5处理器,英特尔公司发布了这则名为“追逐”(The Chase)的广告,用短短两分钟演绎了一场精彩纷呈的追踪大戏,跨越了你电脑桌面上的各种应用程序和元素。

你都看到了哪些熟悉的东西?Windows Media Player, Quicktime, Office 2010 Word, Excel, Internet Explorer 8 (Facebook, Youtube), iTunes, Windows Live Messenger, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Google Earth, Google Chrome, PowerPoint...一气呵成,令人拍案叫绝!

这个广告的tagline(宣传语)是:Experience visually stunning performance like never before, only with the second generation Intel Core I5 processor.(感受从未有过的视觉盛宴,只在第二代Core i5处理器。)广告如此给力,那就期待新处理器也不负众望吧!