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民工街舞团 闪耀上春晚


The second dress rehearsal for CCTV's Spring Festival Gala has just ended. And this year, one special group of performers drew all the attention.

Dazzling as their moves may be, believe it or not, these dancers have no professional background.

Diverse as their jobs may be, these young men, mostly born in the 1980s or 90s, came together through the passion of street dancing.

Starting off as a trio four years ago in Shenzhen city, the group soon attracted like-minded youngsters from across the city. There is no coaching or tuition - they learn every move from Internet videos.

Zhou Shengcai, leader of street dance troupe, said, "Four years ago we didn't know the term Street Dancing, let alone how to do a handstand. But we saw a dance video on the Internet, and found the moves flashy and cool. Then we started imitating their moves. "

The group of 24 won a gold medal in a CCTV dance competition in 2009. A year later, they were enrolled on the entertainment show "I Want to be on Spring Festival Gala".

Their talents have carried them to the attention of the nation. At the Spring Festival Gala, they teamed up with kungfu performers from the Tagou Martial Arts School, in a dance show called "Workers are Powerful". Many performers say that dancing gives them joy and confidence.

Wang Tuo said, "I'm at my happiest when I'm dancing. I have never felt any exhaustion from repeated practice, nor do I feel pain from the injuries. "

Zeng Chunquan said, "Dancing gives me confidence. I got to know friends from different walks of life. My vision has been broadened."

Most migrant workers will return to their jobs in Shenzhen after their performance. Even though their presence at the Spring Festival Gala is not yet 100 percent certain, they say they will cherish the experience, and that their passion for dancing will not stop.