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Apple may have another problem. Privacy watchdogs are demanding answers to this troubling question - Why are iPhones and iPads secretly collecting location data on users?
苹果公司将面临另一个难题。隐私监察机构要求苹果公司对这一麻烦问题进行回答——为什么iPhones 和iPads秘密收集用户位置信息?

A report from two researchers, Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden, at a technology conference in California raises questions about how much privacy you implicitly surrender by carrying around a smartphone. It also questions the responsibility of smartphone makers to protect the sensitive data that flows through their devices.
加利福尼亚州举行的技术大会上,两名研究人员Alasdair Allan和Pete Warden在报道中质疑随身携带智能手机,会有多少隐私暗中暴露出来。它还质疑智能手机制造商对经过他们设备的敏感数据的保护责任。

Much of the concern over iPhone and iPad tracking stems from the fact the computers are logging users' physical coordinates without users knowing it - and that information is then stored in an unencrypted form that would be easy to find for a hacker, a law enforcement officer without a warrant... or maybe, even worse - a suspicious spouse.

Apple devices have been retaining this information for some time, but it was kept in a different form until the release of the iOS 4 operating software last year.

Sean Morrissey, a security expert, said on Thursday that the tracking on Apple devices isn't new, or a surprise, to those in the computer forensics community.
安全专家Sean Morrissey周四说,苹果追踪器设备对那些计算机取证团体而言,不是新的设备,或者一个惊奇。

Sean Morrissey, Managing Director of Kanata Forensic, said, "This is to help the user use the applications that are on this phone. Because when you’re using anything that has any geo-location data, it needs to know where it is, and part of the function of the certain parts of the operating system and this file constantly let the phone know where I am."

Kanata Forensic总经理Sean Morrissey说:“这是要帮助用户使用这款手机上的程序。因为当你使用任何有定位的数据,就要知道它在哪里,操作系统某些部位的部分功能而这些档案,让手机不断知道我在哪里。”

Researchers emphasize that there's no evidence that Apple itself has access to this data.

But in London, privacy campaigners say that if consumers were more aware of the issue, it could affect sales.

Daniel Hamilton, Pricacy Campaigner, said, "If you went into a shop and said I’d like to buy an iPhone' and a sales assistant handed it to you and said 'Before you buy this I need to make you aware that from now on Apple will be able to track everywhere that you go with this iPhone', then clearly nobody would ever buy that product."
隐私维权者Daniel Hamilton说:“如果你走进商店说我要买一部iPhone,售货员拿给你并说‘在你买之前我要让你知道从现在开始,无论你在哪里,苹果公司都可通过这部iPhone追踪到你的信息’,然后很明显,没有人愿意买该产品。”

Mobile User, said, "I feel like it could be a good thing if I lose it or something maybe, but other than that I think it's kind of weird."

Apple didn't immediately respond.