您现在的位置是:首页 > 英语视频 > 英语新闻视频 正文 湖人应要求裁掉中国球员易建联 2016-10-25来源:和谐英语 China’s Yi Jianlian has ended his NBA comeback with the L.A. Lakers. The 28-year-old signed with the Lakers in the summer after four seasons with the Guangdong Southern Tigers in the CBA but has now asked to be waived by the 16-time champion after failing to make the mark he wanted in pre-season. A statement on the team’s official website said Yi and his representatives requested they let him go to pursue other opportunities after it became apparent he would not be having the role he envisioned. The former Milwaukee Bucks man did enough at the Rio Olympics to impress the Lakers hierarchy, who secured him on an U.S.$8 million contract. Yi was only able to average 3 points, 2.5 rebounds and 10.7 minutes of game time during pre-season. Joining the Chinese on the way out is small forward Anthony Brown, with former Sichuan Blue Whales player Metta World Peace and ex Brooklyn Nets power forward Thomas Robinson remaining for the start of the new campaign. 本栏目更多同类内容 扫码关注和谐英语微信公众号,第一时间获取最新学习资料 或公众号搜索myhxen 上一篇 越来越多的中国品牌开拓海外市场 下一篇 共同新闻:安倍要求杜特尔特修复与美国的关系 相关文章 易建联脱鞋离场事件引争议共同新闻:安倍要求杜特尔特修复与美国的关系阿巴斯:以色列要求推迟与内塔尼亚胡会晤无国界医生组织要求美国对空袭阿富汗医院做出解释韩国要求日本政府向慰安妇道歉伦纳德获常规赛最佳防守球员中国要求墨西哥妥善处理高铁问题巴萨下赛季禁止签署任何球员喀麦隆球员不满奖金拒飞巴西易建联2013中国国家队首亮相