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The Royal Wedding is just around the corner. But while most people are looking forward to seeing William and Kate walk down the aisle, not everyone is in a mood to throw confetti.

CCTV's Jack Barton reports that Anarchists, religious zealots, Irish republican hard-liners and Britain's republicans , have all threatened to protest the event.
CCTV的Jack Barton报道,无政府主义者,宗教狂热分子,爱尔兰共和党强硬派和英国共和党都威胁要抗议该事件。

The pomp and ceremony of a royal wedding. This is only a rehearsal, but already the crowds have gathered outside Buckingham palace. People have come from all over the world with many different reasons to see the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

A London tourist said, "It's a privilege to see the royal wedding."

"Love is for everyone and for everything and forever," said a touritst.

"They are very modern not traditional like Elizabeth I think they a very lovely couple," said a tourist.

Royal wedding fever is everywhere, but not everyone has caught it. Doctor Emily Robinson is a member of Republic, an English movement that wants to see the monarchy abolished.
皇室婚礼热到处都是,但并不是每个人都关注它。Emily Robinson医生是共和党希望废除君主制的英国运动的成员。

Republic has brought out its own royal wedding memorabilia. Emily Robinson says hereditary power is not only unsuitable to a modern democracy but the wedding itself is just a big waste of money.
共和党已经展示出它的皇室婚礼大事记。Emily Robinson说权力世袭不只不适合一个现代的民主国家,对于婚礼本身也只是浪费钱。

Emily Robinson said, "It's a huge burden on the taxpayer, not just in terms of the day off which will cost Britain six billion pounds, but also in all the security as well as the everything from the ring to the dress, all of which is paid for by us."
Emily Robinson说:“这对于纳税人来说是一个巨大的负担,不仅婚礼当天要花60亿英镑,所有的安全措施和从戒指到服装的所有东西都要由我们支付。”

Jack Barton said, "Among the groups that oppose the wedding not everyone is being so civilized. Britain's infamous anarchist organizations have vowed to place members amongst the crowd on the wedding day in an attempt to disrupt the procession and to spark riots. That's why police here are taking no chances."
Jack Barton说:“那些反对该婚礼的人并不是每个人都这么文明的。英国臭名昭著的无政府主义组织已经发誓婚礼当天在人群中安排其成员力图破坏婚礼队伍引起暴乱。那即是为什么警察在这里谨慎行事。”

They're working closely with Britain's domestic spy agency MI-5 and are also placing officers in civilian clothes among these crowds. They aim to identify anarchists as well as members of a group called Muslims Against Crusaders, which has also threatened to disrupt the wedding.
他们跟英国国家特工机构MI5密切合作,并在人群中安排了便衣警察。他们目的是辨认出无政府主义者和Muslims Against Crusaders成员,他们也威胁说要破婚礼。

There are even now reports that Irish republicans may be planning a bomb attack on the day. Police are hoping that one of the largest ever deployments of security forces will make Friday a white wedding to remember.

As do most Britons, along with millions of tourists who have flown in just to be near soon-to-be newlyweds on the special day.