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Sorry adults! Wednesday is the day for children. On International Children's Day, students whose parents are busy migrant workers in Beijing have been invited to get in touch with art with some of their little counterparts from an international school here in the city.

Children are good at picking up on some things that are usually ignored by adults. Their paintings could give us a clue of their unique perspectives of the world. Without a mature ability of languages, painting is one of their favorite ways to express their hearts.

Ki Ki, 5, said, "My name is Ki Ki. I'm from Poland. I've five years old. Butterfly, rainbow and this is a palace. I like them."
5岁的Ki Ki说:“我叫Ki Ki。我来自波兰。我5岁了。这是蝴蝶,这是彩虹,这是宫殿。我喜欢它们。”

Chen Feifei, 9, said, "The little girl is standing under the bigger tree to cool off. The small tree does have enough shade. I like painting and I want to become an artist when I grow up. "

The charity event is the joint effort of UNICEF, Sun Fund, and the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art. UCCA, located at 798 art district, also offers a free art workshop every weekend for children of migrant workers in the capital.

From government to charity organizations, from researchers to individuals, the country's adults are striving to provide better and equal resources for children. In 2010, China central government allocated 2.5 billion yuan to provide orphans with special subsidies and living allowances. How to make the best use of the money for children is the key.

China's Ministry of Civil Affairs, UNICEF and Beijing Normal University have been collaborating on finding a practical solution. Trials have been carried out in 120 villages where children are provided with free facilities at a children's center and under the care of a Child Welfare Director.

On Tuesday, China's Ministry of Civil Affairs, UNICEF and Beijing Normal University released the 2011 Report on China Children's Welfare Policy. It contains detailed data, research and suggestions centered around children's medical care for serious diseases, disabled children's welfare, and subsidies for pre-school children.