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The uNPRecedented drought has hit hard The Yangtze River Valley. This year's rainfall has been about 70 to 80 percent less than normal. The great lakes along The Yangtze are also victims of the drought.

This is the Nature Protection Zone of East Dongting Lake, a name on the List of Ramsar wetlands of international importance. Severe drought has shrunk the water area. The protection zone, which normally reaches nearly 300 square kilometers, has declined to merely 44 square kilometers. 85% of it is in severe drought.

Chen Jiakuan, Visiting Professor of Fudan University, said, "I have never seem the lake like this. It is devastating. Poyang, Dongting and Honghu Lakes were in good shape. But now they are so tiny that they can't be called lakes anymore. This is very serious"

Ecologists are very worried about the serious consequences of the continuous drought on the Eco system of the lakes as well as the whole Yangtze River Valley. A shrinking lake will not only impact on people living around it, but also all the lives it sustains.

Wang Ding, Researcher of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Science, said, "I went to have a look at East Dongting lake. It is almost dried up. All the living thing particularly the fish will be hugely impacted over the next year. Besides, the consequences can pass through the food chain and effect other lives such as birds and mammals."

Wetland, the birthplace of lives. East Dongting Lake has been famous for its great size and beauty throughout Chinese history. It's hard to imagine such a huge lake has lost most of its body. What is gone is not only the area of water, but also part of Mother Nature and the Ecosystem.