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High college tuition fees are a hot topic in the capital of South Korea. In Seoul, more than a thousand university students boycotted their Friday afternoon and evening lectures to take part in a candlelight vigil.

A group of college students took over the streets of Seoul on Friday evening, shouting in unison, demanding their tuition fees to be cut in half. But they soon clashed with the unarmed police force stationed in the vicinity when the students stepped outside of the designated protest area.

Earlier in the evening, this mob was part of a bigger crowd of over 4,500 people who assembled in Cheonggye Square to take part in a peaceful candle-light demonstration, urging President Lee Myung-bak to fulfill his presidential election pledge to cut college tuition fees by half. Despite the promise, nothing has been done so far, and more students are suffering from serious debt.

Lee Hee-Sun, Student, Daejin University, said, "I have tons of debt, just like many others. I will have to work hard after I graduate to pay off my debts. I'm a senior student, but this issue will affect students younger than me and also myself when I become a parent."
大真大学学生Lee Hee-Sun说:“我跟许多其他人一样背负了很多债务。我毕业后必须努力工作来还清债务。我是个大四学生,但是这个问题将会影响到比我低年级的学生和成为家长后的自己。”

Ryu Min-Ji, Student, Kyunghee University, said, "I became a sophomore this year, and for the first time I loaned money to pay for this semester's tuition fees. After I loaned the money under my name, the expensive tuition fees feel very real, and it scares me that I have to pay them off."
庆熙大学学生Ryu Min-Ji说:“今年我是大二学生,这是我第一次贷款来支付这个学期的学费。当我以自己的名义贷款后,深深地体验到学费的昂贵,想到我要还清这些贷款就觉得恐慌。”

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