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As of April this year, more than 35,000 undergraduate students are in serious debt because of loans they had to pay for expensive college tuition. This figure is eight times higher than that of four years ago, according to the opposition party's policy planning committee.

Students are pushed to earn money in order to continue to earn a college degree, which is much needed to find a job. It's not just students who are worried but also young parents.

Kim Hyun-Joo, Parent, said, "I feel sorry for today's university students who are forced to work part-time to pay for their tuition fees. I came here, as a mother raising a son, to support the university students chanting for halved tuition."
家长Kim Hyun-Joo说:“我对当今的大学生被迫要做兼职来交学费感到很难过。我作为一名抚养孩子的母亲来到这里,支持大学生呼喊的学费减半。”

"South Korea ranks 2nd amongst OECD countries, after the United States, when it comes to college tuitions. An average college student needs to pay more than $7,000 per year to attend a private university in South Korea. Cutting this figure by half may not be realistic in the short-term, but student protests may continue if measures are taken soon. U-Jean Jung, CCTV, Seoul."
“当提到大学学费,韩国在经合组织所有成员国中仅次于美国,排名第二。在韩国,平均每名大学生上私立大学每年需要多付7000美元。将这个数字减半短期内并不现实,但是如果不尽快采取措施,学生的抗议将持续下去。这是中央电视台记者U-Jean Jung在首尔发回的报道。”