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Japan's cabinet has approved a scheme to help Tokyo Electric Power Company compensate for nuclear damages as the embattled operator begins testing a system to clean contaminated radioactive water. 

Japan's Cabinet on June 14 approved a plan to help TEPCO compensate residents for the trouble caused during the ongoing nuclear crisis.

The compensation plan was then sent to Parliament, but it remains unclear how soon the scheme will be enacted into a law at a time when Prime Minister Naoto Kan faces mounting pressure to step down.

Under the plan, the government and Japan's regional power companies will pitch in funds for Tepco's compensation, and Tepco will pay them back over an unspecified number of years.

Japan's Mainichi daily said Tuesday (June 14)the crippled Fukushima plant's operator would face a total of more than $120 billion in compensation claims, and plans to raise its electricity charges by 16 percent from next year.

Top government spokesman Yukio Edano said that the government would look to keep the costs from being passed on to consumers.

Yukio Edano, Japanese chief cabinet secretary, said, "As we currently are not aware as to how much the overall compensation scheme will cost, there may have to be additional discussions in the future. However, for the time being, we hope that TEPCO will work to deal with compensation without having to pass on costs to electrical fees."

Meanwhile, Tepco said Tuesday it began long delayed tests of equipment to clean tons of contaminated radioactive water at the Fukushima plant.