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Parts of the country are continuing to suffer from a crippling drought. The country's drought relief authorities have warned that water shortages in China are affecting more than 4 million people.

Soaring temperatures and little rainfall have worsened the drought in the Ningxia Hui and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regions, as well as the provinces of Gansu, Guizhou and Hunan. More than 4 million hectares of farmland have been affected and water reserves are rapidly diminishing, putting an estimated 4 million livestock at risk. Si Nan take a look at the situation across the region.
激增的温度以及少雨加剧了宁夏回族自治区,内蒙古自治区,以及甘肃省、贵州省和湖南省的旱情。四百多万公顷的农田受到影响,储备水迅速减少,估计使四百万家禽处于危险之中。Si Nan正关注这个地区的情况。

Guizhou Province in southwest China is no stranger to drought. But this year the drought arrived a month earlier than usual, just as the harvesting began.

A village head in Guizhou province said, "The drought will wipe out half of this year's crops if the situation continues. Now is the crucial time for corn. Everything will dry out if it doesn't rain."

By the end of July, rainfall reached only around 30 percent of the average rate. The situation is no better in neighboring Hunan Province.

Liu Youtong, a farmer in Hunan province, said, "We haven't seen a single drop of rain here since June. All the crops have died. We will lose a lot of money this year."
湖南省农民Liu Youtong表示:“六月份以来,我们还没有在这里看到一滴雨水。所有的庄稼都死了。今年我们将损失很多钱。”

For those crops that are still standing, finding water for irrigation is a top priority. Farmers say they have to line up at the pumps early in the morning. But the water available here cannot meet the needs of all.

Deng Jiasheng, a farmer in Hunan province, said, "Water reserves will soon dry up. We'll soon have no water to pump. There were dozens of pumps here. Now there are fewer and fewer."
湖南省农民Deng Jiasheng表示:“储备水很快就会用光了。我们很快就没水可以抽了。这里原来有很多水泵。现在越来越少了。”

China has initiated an emergency response plan to cope with the drought.

As part of the program, the National Commission for Disaster Reduction and the Ministry of Civil Affairs have sent a work group to the hardest-hit regions to assess the situation and assist in ongoing disaster relief efforts.