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China is battling weather extremes, including drought and floods. While lingering dry spells cripple some parts of the country, heavy downpours have inundated others. Many southwestern regions are parched, including Guizhou, Hunan and Yunnan provinces, Chongqing Municipality and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Elsewhere, the provinces of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu have suffered from heavy downpours. The rain has also affected parts of Chongqing Municipality.

In Xiangjiang River in central China's Hunan Province, where several sections of the river are rapidly drying up.

Drought has caused major problems for boats that use the Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province. Almost 170 vessels have been held up at the Zhuzhou section in the river's upper reaches. Authorities are dredging a channel to allow river traffic to resume. Water levels have dropped to under 30 meters this year, eight meters lower than previous highs.

Tan Bin, official of Zhuzhou Maritime Department said, "We will dredge a channel 60 meters wide and one and a half meters deep to make sure 300-ton cargo ships can pass down the waterway."
株洲海事部门官员Tan Bin表示:“我们将疏浚一条宽60米、深1.5米的河道,确保300吨的货船可以通过航道。”

Workers expect to finish the channel in a week. Local authorities are assessing sections where water levels have plummeted to ensure vessels' safe passage.

Back on land, farmers are also suffering from the devastating drought.

In Zhaotong, Yunnan province, tobacco crops have withered due to a lack of rainfall and soaring temperatures.

Tobacco farmer Liu Shijin said, "My crop had 7-thousand tobacco plants, but now I think only 2,000 are still alive. Look, these tobacco leaves were yellow and easy to be crumbed. I don't know what to do now. "
种植烟草的农民Liu Shijin表示:“我有七千棵烟草作物,但是现在我觉得只有2000棵还活着。看,这些烟草叶子都变黄了,很容易碎。现在我都不知道该怎么办了。”

Local authorities are trying their best to cut economic losses.