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乔布斯辞职 苹果粉丝反应不一


Apple fans are putting on a brave face, those we spoke to in China, Japan and Australia are mostly confident about the future of the company, after Jobs resigned as CEO. Here's a look at some of the reaction to the news.

Zhang Jie, Shanghai resident said, "For Apple, they are such a big brand name. Even if Jobs is no longer there, China is still such a big market, it does not matter if there is a change in leadership. The company will not give up on the Chinese market. There is still a lot of room to develop in this market and I believe they will push on even stronger here."
上海市民Zhang Jie表示:“对于苹果公司来说,他们是如此大的一个品牌。即使乔布斯不在那里了,中国仍然是一个巨大的市场,领导层是否发生改变并没有什么关系。苹果公司不会放弃中国市场。中国市场仍然有很大的发展空间,我相信他们会加大力度向中国市场推进。”

Naoto Fujiwara, Tokyo resident said, "Apple's biggest draw is that it always seemed to be creating new products, and I fear that may slow down somewhat."
东京市民Naoto Fujiwara称:“苹果公司最大的吸引力在于它似乎总是在创造新产品,我担心这种势头可能会稍微缓慢下来。”

Clive Allcock, Sydney resident said, "Well I think it's rather sad because it reflects his illness but in terms of its influence on the company, I'm sure they've been planning for this for quite some time. He's done a mighty job getting Apple up and running and it's a great tribute to him personally. He'll be well remembered in the world of computing as he takes off to do other jobs, but I’m sure it won't materially affect the company."
悉尼居民Clive Allcock表示:“额,我认为这个消息很让人难过,因为它反映了他的病情,但是,就其对苹果公司的影响而言,我相信他们已经为这件事计划了一些时间。他为苹果公司的崛起和运作做了很大的贡献,我个人对他表示敬意。他将会被计算机界牢牢记住,即使他离开苹果公司从事其它职业,但是我相信这对苹果公司不会有太大的影响。”