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Shoes, bookshelves, storage baskets... these items are wickerwork made from a special osier in this village. And all of them are customized products for overseas clients. Wickerwork has accompanied the folks here for over 1,000 years, but they never thought it would bring them big fortune.

Guo Yan, famer, said “I used to make wickerwork products for myself, and maybe sell some occasionally. As I get more and more orders from home and abroad, I make more products and develop more styles. Now I can earn 30,000 to 50,000 RMB a year!"
农民Guo Yan称:“我过去做的柳条制品都是自己用的,偶尔会卖一些。随着我接到的国内外订单越来越多,我制作更多的产品并开发更多的样式。现在我一年可以赚3至5万元人民币。”

With the money, Guo built a new house and bought a truck. There are more than 40,000 farmers like Guo Yan in the county, most of whom are working for local factories. These factories connect the craftsmen with the market, making the traditional craft a prosperous industry. Orders are flying into the small county from across the world.
有了钱,郭建了新房子,买了一辆货车。在这个县,像Guo Yan这样的农民有4万多人,他们中的很多人都是受雇于当地工厂。这些工厂把手工艺人和市场连结起来,使传统的手工艺变为一个繁荣的产业。世界各地的订单都飞进这个小县。

This arrangement comes with the government’s support. The factories receive preferential tax polices, and what’s more, the local government even provides intellectual support. A group of professors and students from universities makes up a survey panel, providing suggestions for the factories.

Pan Lusheng, Dean of Shandong College of Art and Design, said "We did a lot of market research and we also go to the villages to look at the products. We discover the gap between them and provide our suggestions to the manufacturers. Our work certainly promotes the development of the industry."
山东艺术设计学院院长Pan Lusheng表示:“我们做了很多市场调查,我们还去村子看产品。我们发现了它们之间的差距,并为制造商提供意见。我们的工作无疑会促进这个行业的发展。”

Li Xiuling, manuefacturer, said "A lot of orders come from Europe and America, so now we have developed many new styles in order to meet market demands. With the change, the orders are increasing too. We decided to renew our products every year!"
制造商Li Xiuling称:“很多订单是来自欧洲和美国,所以为了满足市场需求,我们现在开发了许多新的样式。有了改变,订单也在增加。我们决定每年都更新我们的产品。”

There are 118 wickerwork factories in the county. In 2010 they made 30 million USD by exporting the products. In Shandong Province alone, with its abundant folk crafts heading to international markets, 1.5 million farmers are benefiting.