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The lack of young people often leaves a vacuum in the labour force, which makes it even harder for remote regions to prosper.

Local opera to perk up the workers - They share the same reason for staying in the village.

"I have to take care of my mother-in-law." "I have to take care of my kids."

They call it a day at a fixed time and can then focus their attention on family. "Working hours are flexible, we can take the kids home everyday."

There’s no minimum workload. Here, workers are paid according to how much they produce. But salaries aren’t high. At around 1,000 yuan per month, it’s just enough to make ends meet.

But at least there are jobs. That’s thanks to young villagers who made money in big cities and returned home to invest in small factories. The local government hands out subsidies, but still, it’s hard to run a business far from the main trading centers.

Fang Xianzhong, manager of Pecan Processing Company, said, "Transport, telecommunications, marketing network, everything used to be inconvenient. Profit is the top concern."
核桃加工公司经理Fang Xianzhong称:“运输、电信、营销网络,过去一切都很不方便。利润是最先考虑的。”

Companies like his are a promising solution for rural China. But to succeed, it’s not just down to ambitious entrepreneurs and a grateful workforce. Local governments also need to assist such initiatives and continue investing in local infrastructure. Only with better support will more young people consider returning home to their villages.