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时代变迁 中国的婚礼也在改变


The wedding day is one of the most important moments in a person’s life. Today in China, more and more young couples are trying to make that day something really special- putting more effort than ever into choosing where and how to tie the knot.

Cost used to put overseas weddings out of the question. But with improving living standards and a growing number of services, it’s getting easier for many young couples to celebrate their weddings far away from home. But even if they don’t leave the neighborhood, many are finding exciting ways to liven up the day.

Guan Zhigang, wedding creative director, said, "Holding a concert or a party is a popular way to celebrate a marriage. Couples can invite relatives and friends to share in the happiness."
婚礼创意总监Guan Zhigang表示:“举行音乐会或派对是举行婚礼的一种受欢迎的方式。夫妻可以邀请亲朋好友来分享幸福。”

Traditional Tang, and western style church weddings are becoming more popular, as are theme weddings. Lan Xuefang, wedding planner, said, "Cartoon style weddings are attracting cute girls who want to dress up as Snow White or Cinderella. During western style weddings, they can hold cocktail parties where the bride and groom waltz."
传统的唐朝婚礼和西式教堂婚礼变得更加流行,就像主题婚礼一样。婚礼设计师Lan Xuefang表示:“卡通婚礼吸引了那些想装扮成白雪公主或灰姑娘的可爱女孩。举行西式婚礼时,他们可以举办鸡尾酒派对,派对上新郎新娘会跳华尔兹。”

A Mu, a wedding designer, said, "A special private theater is a great way to wow guests. This year, many bridegrooms are likely to screen the short movies to impress attendees."
婚礼设计师A Mu称:“专门的私人剧院是让宾客惊叹的一种好方法。今年,许多新郎可能会放映短片来给参加者留下深刻印象。”

Romantic and sacred, outdoors or in the subway - More than ever, wedding ceremonies can come in all shapes and sizes.