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The traditional art of shadow play was performed in many places around China. It has been part of the nation's culture for thousands of years, but as artists pass away, the unique performance art is increasingly endangered. But fortunately, some people are now paying more attention to the preservation of the ancient art form.

"Lang zhong shadow play" of Sichuan province can traced back to the end of Ming dynasty. And through three hundreds years of development, especially with the efforts of the fifth generation successor, it generated a new school, the Wang shadow play. The performing skills are more and more sophisticated, but successors are less as time goes by. Since Wang shadow play successfully became a national intangible cultural heritage, it has attracted more attention. The seventh successor Wang Biao even organized a training institute.

Wang Biao, shadow play successor, said, "We are the national intangible cultural heritage and it's our responsibility to make this traditional art prosperous."

Shadow play artist Xu Junxian was once a performer of Shanxi opera. But after studying and performing shadow play, he was deeply fascinated by it. His first performance turned out to be a great success for he was asked to perform it three times more than he imaged. Later, he build his own shadow play band with some folk music players. According to him, the reason to perform is not to make money, but to inherit the traditional skills.
皮影艺人Xu Junxian曾经是山西戏曲的演员。但是学习和表演了皮影戏之后,他被它深深吸引了。他的首次演出非常成功,因为他出乎想象地被要求演出三次。之后,他和一些民间音乐表演家成立了自己的皮影戏团。据他介绍,演出的目的不是为了赚钱,而是为了传承传统技艺。

An shadow play is performing at the Tiexi Cultural Center of Shenyang. Zhang Guoqing, the performer, has already performed for more than 40 years. While performing, he almost forgets himself.

Zhang Guoqing, artist of shadow play, said, "Usually, four strings are needed to accomplish a performance. As time goes by, more instruments and more modern elements were added into the performing, so we need the participation of young people. I'm looking for successors, but I only have my children."

Shadow play is a complex folk art that contains drawing, music, carving, manipulation puppets and singing. Xu Chengshu is an accomplished artist that can handle all skills needed for a performance. He even made the puppets himself.
皮影戏是一门复杂的民间艺术,它包括绘画、音乐、雕刻、操纵木偶以及唱歌。Xu Chengshu是一位可以掌握表演所需的所有技巧的精湛艺术家。他甚至能自己制作木偶。

Xu Chengshu, folk artist, said, "I cannot express my feelings in words. I've performed shadow play for decades. I'll leave it to my children."
民间艺术家Xu Chengshu表示:“我无语言表。但是皮影戏我已经演出几十年了。我会把他留给我的孩子。”

With so many artists devoting themselves to shadow play, the future of our traditional arts will be brilliant.